The Philistines / Canaanites

(Note: some additional explanations can be found at the end of the text)


  Some of the oldest written sources reveal that around 2000 BC, the Khabiru people - the word khabiru being used with the meaning of mercenary, confederate, associate - were enlisted as soldiers to fight in the armies of the kings of Larsa and Assur. They appeared in the Asia Minor regions, in the threshold between millennia, and by the end of 3000 BC, they were to be found all around the borders of the Emesh/Sumerian states, and in the Hittite Empire, where they were wandering from place to place, wherever they wanted, to their hearts’ desire. They were organized in tribal unions, whose leader was elected for military merits, and their society was led by tribal elders and priests’ councils. According to Egyptian written records, this kingdom had close ties with Phoenicia and Palestine, which they controlled with the help of their army, alliances, as they pleased, or as times required, during the reign of the 12th Dynasty (2000 – 1785 BC).

   Towards the middle of the 18th century BC, historical documents reveal the fact that the Hyksostribes, that came out of the blue, and occupied Egypt - where they introduced chariots in fighting - were pouring out as a river flooding over its banks into Hapy’s country. But some ancient sources tell us that in the same period of time, and in the same geographic area, these Scythians and Getae, coming from the dark northern Carpatho-Caspian territories, started pouring out like a flood of people chased by ghosts, and ended up in Pharaoh’s land, whose fighters they whacked badly.
  It is for the first time in this century that the Getae and the Scythians are mentioned as being in their predatory wanderings beyond the endless land, reaching the kingdom of the Pharaoh, who “greeted” them, mace and sword. This event is recorded by the Greek writer Ctesias, who lived at the end of the 5th century BC, and who tells us that Sesostris, the pharaoh of
Egypt, fought against Tanaus, King of Scythians. The Greeks used to call, the Don River Tanais, which was in fact the border between theScythians and the Getae (Gomer and Magog), as described in the Apocriphal Stories of the  Genesis. Since this historical fact proves to be true, it therefore throws the Mosaic letters into the garbage can of history.

  Pompeius Trogus, a Roman who lived in the 1st century BC, mentioned in his Phillipic Histories that Tanaus, king of the Getae had defeated Vesosis, King of Egypt, along the banks of the Phasus River (possibly a branch of the Nile, flowing into the Delta). The Greek historian Philon of Biblos, who lived at the beginning of the 1st century AD, translated into Greek the History of Phoenicians by Sanchoniaton, who had been a Phoenician historian of the 12th century BC. This information got to us, through the writings of Eusebius from Caesarea, who had quoted some passages from these texts. According to this wise man, the Phoenicians, visited our homeland, too, and Pharaoh Sesostris, even led an expedition against the Getae and the Scythians, but in fact the historical recorded data show that the Egyptian leader defended his own country against the Ariminian invaders, who came from the Ister and The Black Sea to be warmed up by Ra. The legendary Phoenician historian states that he acquired all his sacred knowledge from the divine inscriptions engraved on the pillars of the Sun, found in the temples of Phoenicia. This kind of pillars were also to be found at the court of Aetes, the Getae king, who lived in the 13th century BC, and according to some ancient writers, they had the divine laws written on them, and these ancient writers were unbiased, and they were not sifted through the filter of those Sons Darkness of the Militia Christy, who have falsified history, making up stories. Valerius Flaccus, a Latin poet who lived in the 1st century of our era, writes in “Argonautica” that, “Vesosis/ Sesostris was the first one who declared war against the Getae, but being scared by the defeat of his army he returned to Thebe on the Nile River, accompanied only by very few of his own men”.
 we had a powerful state here, around the Carpathian Mountains, and we were skilled in dealing anyone a powerful blow with our army and weaponry.

  The Judeo-Christian Bishop Jordanes states in Getica 6: 47 that, “This was the region where the Goths dwelt when Sesostris I, (1973-1928 BC), king of the Egyptians, made war upon them. Their king at that time was Tanaos, Scythian king, (after whom the Tanais / Don was supposedly named). In a battle at the river Phasis ‘(Rioni, southwest of the Caucasus), ‘whence come the birds called pheasants, which are found in abundance at the banquets of the powerful all over the world, Tanaos, king of the Goths, met Sesostris, king of the Egyptians, and there inflicted a severe defeat upon him, pursuing him all the way to Egypt. Had he not been restrained by the waters of the impassible Nile and the fortifications which Sesostris had long ago ordered to be made against the raids of the Ethiopians, he would have slain him in his own land”.

Let us ponder for a little while over what Jordanes wrote sometime in mid 6th century AD, while the devilish ones were fuelling their diabolical effort to falsify the history of the Getae, and especially that of the Judeo-Christians. The tricky old chap, feeling himself so “inspired”, took the Goths out of the hat, and substituted the Getae with them, even if the source he mentioned, Trogus Pompeius, who had written the story about 600 years before Jordanes, and without a doubt, he spoke only about the Getae, because the Goths were brought by the waves of history in mid 3rd century of our era. In order to remember the Ariminian nation, we have to take into account the fact that groups of Getae and Scythians ruffled the Pharaoh’s feathers very badly, right there in his own homeland, and had he not found his salvation in the southern area, where there were fortifications built to stop the Ethiopian invasion, he would have been butchered by these groups of predators. And these events overlap exactly this period of time of the Hyksos, mentioned in the Egyptian chronicles. Jordanes also tells us that part of the army retreated, and after conquering the entire Asia, some settled in these lands and others, led by their king, went back to their native Scythia, somewhere on the Don / Tanais and the Ister rivers. Here Jordanes writes Scythia, but he uses a generic term, by which we have to understand the territory located north of the Ister River, north of the Black Sea, and the Caspian Sea, therefore, he refers to the territories where the Getae and the Scythians were natives.

  At the request of Ptoleme the Philadelphian, who was the king of Macedonia, Manethon, a Sebenite priest, wrote a history of Egypt, in which he calls the Hyksos/Hycsos Heka khasevet and Sasevet, the meaning of the words being foreign rulers or shepherd kings, therefore he refers to the Royal Scythians mentioned by Herodotus, wherefrom the Greeks called them Hyksos. In some Egyptian texts, the Hyksos appear under the name of Heku Sasu, and this is very similar to the word Saka or Saci, therefore these people were none other than the Scythians, because the Saci were a branch of the Scythians. Their capital Avaris, according to Egyptian texts, was called Spune Daba, and I am going to bring further more proof to the falsifiers of history! Also on the Lead Tablets discovered at Sinaia, (sic. Romania), the word Daba means city, and the Cosmography of the Anonymous from Ravenna, a 7th century writing, tells us that there was a city called Sacidaba, in Moesia Inferior, (“daba” means “city”, and “Saci” were Scythian people from the Black Sea /Pontus Euxinus), and here you have it, so that the proud anti-Getae and anti-Romanian wrongdoers, creators of satanic hocus pocus, could become green with envy!

  In Darin, a city in the south western part of Syria, the city of the Hyksos, called Spune Sianu was discovered, just like Jordanes wrote in Getica, that some of the invaders returned from Egypt, and they settled in Palestine and Asia, in territories situated in the western parts of nowadays Syria and Israel. The archeological findings within the last 25 years have revealed a city as large as 11.6  Hectares /approximately 28.6  Acres, situated at the confluence of the Al Rumaila and the Al Flawwar rivers, overlooking the plain from that height of about 25-30  meters /82 to 98  feet, up above. Data shows that it was built around the year 1700 BC, exactly what the existing epigraphic sources tell us. Meanwhile, only in our homeland, Romania, the source of hatred and stupidity is everywhere, and it comes from a people descending directly from the gods, who became a bunch of morons. The city of the Ariminic king was also mentioned in the tablets of the city of Ugarit around 1350 BC until 1200 BC, when the Phoenician nest was destroyed by the invasion of the Sea peoples. The tablet, written in the Akkadian language refers to a treaty between Niqmepa and Abdianati, king of Sianu city.

  In Samuel 31:10, in their made up stories, the mad Ivrit falsifiers talk about the “mean” Philistines, saying that, “After being defeated in fierce fighting, and Saul, their leader killed, they left their weapons in the house of Astartas, while his body was hanging from the walls of the Bet-Sanu”.
The word” bet”, used here means “city” or “house”, and the text should have been translated as the “
city of Sanu” or Sianu. The Greeks used to call this city Scythopolis, therefore it was the “city of the Scythians”, NOT that of the Ivrits, infected by their ghostly visions, feverish in their stupidity and suffering from all kinds of diabolical mumbo jumbo. Plini the Elder ( 1st century of our era ) mentions the cities of Scythopolis and Tirza in Palestine, as well as those of Nasaut, Romis, and Sandura thatwere built in Arabia by the Scythians, who were the very Getae people from the Northern parts of the Ister/Danube River. But there is another city in Canaan, as old as the world itself, founded by the Ariminian tribes, and this city was skillfully “made” Judaic, by the  Ivrit falsifiers of history, who took credit for it, although they came to those regions when their needs made them leave Sinai. If there are enough of those whose limitations could make them buy these writings about mankind in its entirety, thenBethlehem, where the Judeo-Christians claim that Jesus was born, is yet another proof that history could be falsified this way, so that honesty could only flow only through the filter of the lowest of scoundrels and professional thieves.

   We know from historical data, found in the neighboring cultures, around this region, that is in the Egyptian, the Hittite, the Mittani, the Ugarite, and also in the Canaanite cultures, that sometime, in the 15th century BC, and possibly even before that, there was a fortress or a city called Bit-Lahmi, in this area, according to Egyptian sources. Lahamu and Lahmu were in the Emesh mythology none others than the Carpathian people, who had migrated and settled the Ki-En-Gir / a Sumerian geographic area, therefore they were the off springs of the first humans that appeared and existed in the universe, the children of Tiamat and Abzu. In fact, these two brothers were two complementary theological concepts, and they gave birth to Ansar, the whole boundless Heaven above, and to Kisar, the entire Earth. Being the creators of the seen and the unseen worlds, these two spiritual and energetic entities, Lahmu and Lahmu, were venerated as divinities of fertility at the beginning of Heaven and Earth’s Creation. It was with this religious cult that these people were found in Canaan. Venerated by the Canaanites, Lachma, had a place of worship, starting in the middle of the 2nd millennium BC, when the natives raised a worship place, located on the city hill, which nowadays is known as the Hill of Jesus’ Birth, according to the Judeo-Christian forgery. Ancient documents call the city Beit Lachma, which means “Lachma’s House”, or Lachma’s Temple, because it was a religious construction. This divinity is also known by the following names: Lahmiand Lahmu. The first refers to the historic city Bet-Lahmi, mentioned in the letters discovered in Amarna (approximately 1400 BC), when an Egyptian leader, who was leading Canaan from Jerusalem, had serious problems with the Kapiru (Kabiru) people, living in this city, because they were disobeying the pharaoh. Therefore he asked the ruler of Egypt to help him take arms against the disobedient ones, to destroy their nest, and restore order. In the tablet under discussion, the city was written Bit-Lahmi. In the Torah and the Talmud, it is written that the city of Betlehem is the city where David was born and where he was crowned by Samuel. But Lahmi was a name used by the Philistine men from Gat or Giti, as they are mentioned in the Chronicles 20: 5,
“And there was again war with the Philistines; and Elhanan the son of Jair slew Lahmi the brother of Goliath the Gittite.”

  Goliat’s brother 
Lahmi of Gath is written as the Gittite” in the Ivrit language, in other words he was a Gittite or a Geta, but the word “Gitit-ul” or “Get-ul” do not appear in the Romanian version at all, because it was intentionally omitted, so that some Mioritics1 would not realize that our history had been falsified. To better show you the  dark side of history’s falsifiers, I am going to quote from the writings ofAlexandru Odobescu, a Romanian writer, who in his “Literary Works”, the 1961 Edition of the Academy, 2nd volume, page 26, wrote about the Valachian colonists of Sinai, who could have come from Thrace, and he states that, “another colony of Romanians is to be found at the northern foot of the Olympus Mountain, and this one is called Laha nowadays…Under the shade of the magnificent peak of Mount Olympus 6,000 foot high, which is hidden under the clouds, and forever covered with snow, there are a few villages that Romanian people founded in times immemorial”. In Emegi/Emegir2 the word  "lah" or "laha" has the meaning of sparkle or shine, and  "mu" or "mi" means fame, family, to give birth, to come into being, and once again, we cannot help going back to the People Descending from the Gods and the Holy Land, which was their native land. This ancestral divinity of the Carpathian people is also to be found in India, where the Aryas have observed an important agrarian festival in Virgo, at the end of August and the beginning of September, when Lakshmi, the consort of the god Vishnu is celebrated. At that time, rice crops are harvested and the new ones are expected to grow. It also symbolizes luck, abundance, and nature’s power of regeneration, in a multitude of shapes and forms.

   Before Egypt was occupied by the Hyksos tribes around 1750 BC, Kamoses, the last pharaoh (pir-o) of the Dynasty of Thebe, called those who were lingering for some time in Palestine, and were staring and staring at the west, “Chietain de Retjenu”, which means “Keta” or “Getae” from Canaan. This population, he called Ketain is mentioned in “Vulgata” by the name Getaim, and in Greek Chitiim, “im” being the suffix for the plural in the Ivrit language, just like in Egyptian (wherefrom they took this method), as we can obviously see in the previous examples. The word Retjenu in Egyptian can be read the way the vowels fall into place, and also Retejanu. There are Mioritics, who stand tall, heads up, and as we all know heads are meant to be used! Well, I am going to remind them that there is Reteganu, a last name in Rumunian/Romanian language. There is also the Peleaga, the highest mountain peak in the RetezatMountain chain, part of the Southern Carpathians. One can get to this highest peak, only through one of several paths, and this one is called The Peleaga Ridge. In Genesis 10: 25 the Ivrit writers mention a Pelegas the creator of mankind, and they call the Philistines Peleset or Pelesot in their made-up stories, and if we were to remove the suffix -ot, used for the feminine, we get Peleş, a typical Romanian word, which means pompon, fringe, the upper trim of men’s pants where the belt goes, belt, the ”cord that is used instead of a belt over the male ethnic shirt, “short hair trim”, and also the name of a town situated in the Prahova region of Romania, called Peleş.

  On the face of a prism, discovered in Lachit, not far from Mount Hermon, the old city inhabited by Philistines, there is the name of Pharaoh Amenhotep II (1435-1420BC), next to that of the Egyptian god Ptah, named du Gitti or Gaat. I believe that -du also means dio, die, diu, dieu, words also used on the Lead Tablets, discovered at Sinaia, with the meaning of heavenly, holy, and Gitti that is the very Gitia orGeta, the true Carpathian country of origin of these migrants. A similar thing happened when the Misi, migrated south, in the 15th century BC, and settled near the city of Troy, they called their new homeland Mesia, Moesia or Misia, as a permanent reminder of their old country of origin, they had left behind. The expression du Gitti is also found in the Serabit text, 353. Gaat or Gittaim was a city of the Philistines, mentioned in Nehemiah 11: 32 and in Samuel 4: 3, the name being also used to refer to other neighboring places such as Camel Gat, therefore it is used to name both a center of power, and also a larger territory. It also appears written in the Letters discovered in Amarna. A Gittite / Geta was a person from Gat / Gitia, just like the fictional character Goliat, the giant who “was killed by David”, the skilled Ivrit sling thrower. Another name that Egyptians used to call the Philistines by was PRST. If we add the missing vowels in between the consonants of this word, we get the word părăsiţi, meaning the forgotten ones in the Romanian language. This is exactly what happened to these forgotten people, who were so far away from their Carpathian country of origin.

  Fed up with being too hospitable, the Egyptian hosts led by Pharaoh Ahmose I, (1550-1525 BC) took arms against the unexpected Hyksos, who fled to the city of Sharuken, south west of Gaza, and only a few years later, they were forced to be on the run again. In today’s Gaza there is the city of Abasan-al Kabir, and this is the proof of the Philistine / Kabir people’s existence in that place, that will last forever, even if the most hateful Ivrits removed them from history. According to Pindar, Adamas, the Kabir who according to the Lemnos traditions was the first man on earth, the first man, the first craftsman, one of the first seven natives of these lands, a forefather of humanity. If the Ivrits also had written the history of these regions, then they would have kept in the collective memory the names of a certain Al-Yahwith, Al-Ivrit or an Al-Satan, and yet, there has not been any discovery of a ruin or place with this name. But there is plenty of time for the archaeologists to do that, and if not, the dark rabbis will certainly find it through “revelations”, because nowadays those who claim to have certain revelations are certainly put in a straight jacket and brought to an asylum, but not them. I can also name some Hyksos kings, who ruled over Egypt: Ausera, Apopi, Sianu or Keanu, Kamudi and Sakir-Har. Nowadays, there are plenty of Romanians in the Carpathian regions, who have last names such as: Apopi, Sianu and Cianu, and they were brought here neither by the Roman swords, nor by the soldiers’ bags filled with the seeds of the “Chosen Ones”, by the Ivrit legions, who according to them, settled in the rich and beautiful land of the Mioritics, at the same time with the conquerors. In fact, they were true natives, from the early dawn of human civilization.

  When some archaeologists from Jerusalem discovered nowadays that old Egyptian writings mentioned the nomadic "Khabiru" people, who used to often plunder and cause Egyptians a lot of trouble this way, as well as when they used to invade from the East, again and again, all the specialists belonging to the Fraternity of Israel shouted in one voice, unanimously declaring that these had been their fearless ancestors. Meanwhile history tells us that Ramses II (1301-1235 BC) asked the Hittite king to send to Egypt, a group of the Kabiri tribesmen, namely only the ones who were the best and the most skillful iron workers, to teach Egyptians the skills of their trade. And if they think that true history isn’t worth a dime, then I am going to throw at them their own “made-up stories / revelations” they have put in the Torah, and hope they could feel the punch. In Samuel 13, 19-22 it is acknowledged to our “enlightenment” that “now there was no smith to be found throughout the land of Israel; for the Philistines said ‘Lest the Hebrews make them swords or spears'.“ But all the Israelites would go down to the Philistines to sharpen each man’s ploughshare, his mattock, his ax, and his sickle; and the charge for a sharpening was a pim for the plowshares, the mattocks, the forks, and the axes, and to set the points of the goads. So it came about, on the day of the battle, that there was neither sword nor spear found in the hand of any of the people who were with Saul and Jonathan. But hey were found with Saul and Jonathan his son.” Therefore this was the level of civilization that the Ivrit people reached in the 10th century BCE, and even in their false and mystifying writings acknowledge the fact that the only thing they knew at a time was how to use the sling and how to milk their billy-goats, while the Philistines / Kabiri people used to master the skill of metalwork, they used to live in palaces, write poetry and play the harp, and it is because of this, that the Ivrit wrong doers became so green with envy to the point of being sick. And the archaeologists of the kept on digging to see what else they could find in their Scripture, after each dot and comma hoping to find the palace of their goat-tail King David, to shut up those who would have something to comment, and after each dot or comma, and surprise! The miracle appeared! They found some houses, which were no shining palaces brighter than the sun, but some poor huts or some very poor dwellings from the end of the 6th century BCE, therefore since the Ivrit tribes were under Persian occupation, and then some of them started playing toady with their new masters, and in the second half of the 5th century BC, some of them even became mercenaries, considering that they were rulers over the Egyptians and the Philistines.

  The tablets discovered at the Tel Amarna site in Egypt, written sometimes in mid 14th century BC, reveal some more details about those fierce people called Khabiri, which are mentioned in the writings several times, as follows: “My Lord, the King, the light in the sky, should take into account, for the sake of his country, that these Kabirians are very powerful and turned against us, and the king, my Lord, should give me a helping hand, and free me from their hands, so that they could not defeat us…” The information refers to the Kabiri tribes of the 14th century BC, who would invade Egypt from Palestine, take prisoners from the locals, and set them free if ransom would be paid. The Ariminic country of origin of the Khabiri people is revealed by the name Seuthes, a Getic name popular in Thracia, but in Egypt that was under their occupation for about 150 years, in texts it is referred to as Hyksos, and it was written asSethy, which was also the name of several pharaohs (pir-o).

  Let me give you another excerpt from Iordanes Getica VI: 48. Pompeius Trogus states that the Parts and their name, originate from his own people. That is why, even today the runaways are called in theScythian language, Parts, and in the Romanian language the word parti has several meanings: ribbon, adorned with gold or silver coins, worn on the forehead, in the hair or on the hat, around the neck, or as a necklace; it also refers to the colorful stripes of a woven material or blanket, it also means to protect, to choose part of something and to part. Therefore all those who might not have been able to do the math yet, can clearly see who those who used to speak the Scythian language were. And to give an answer to anyone who questions their origin, they were the only ones in Asia who were able to use arms and also to be very good fighters. The word “parts”, which I just explained above, has the meaning of “runaways”, was given another etymology by others, who considers that they had run away from their parents. After his death, this Tanausis, who was King of the Goths, started being worshipped among their gods by his people, after his death. The devilish Judeo-Christian prelate, turned the word Getae into Goths (by changing a letter, Geti became Goti, in the Romanian language), and this is how the satanic pen, skillfully succeeded in erasing the history of a people, over 3000 years old (at that time), so that nothing much is known about one of the most numerous, the most honest, the bravest and the most renowned people of all the peoples of Europe, well known for his religiosity.

  Herodotus remembers in Histories, that the Scythians had a queen, who was a woman of the right sort of timber. Her name was Tabiti, and after her death, she was venerated by the Scythians just like a goddess, and certainly she was also well known by the Getae. The word Tabiti means crested father ( ta: father, in the text Heavenly Father + biti: crest) directly referring to the fact that the Getae and the Thracians used to wear their hair tied up in a pony tail, just as they are remembered in the Iliadand immortalized in the Centaurus Getos on a Greek crater from the 7th century BC. The Judeo-Christians, who were so used to foul things and to committing skilled theft, placed the Scythian-Getae goddess among the gods, naming her Tabita in the Catholic religion, and Tavita, in the Orthodox one, remembering her on October 25th, when the pastoral year ends. Both the Getae and the Scythians were well known herd breeders of cattle and sheep, and the divinity is a proof of the connection between their religions.

   After the death of the king, Jordanes mentioned the fact that when men were in a hustle and bustle, plundering all over foreign lands, some neighbors thought of taking some of the loot of the frisky and hoarding Scythians, to burden them, and they invaded their settlements. But their beautiful wives, called by Jordanes Amazons, were as good at handling the pots, as they were at using the swords, so that the dreadful plunderers were quickly chased away from there. Following their husbands’ example, they organized themselves into two groups. One stayed home to defend the children, the land, and their belongings from those daring and unwanted there, while the other one left for Asia to “pay a visit” and see what was up for grabs over there, and they had their first stop in the mountain pass of the Caucaz Mountains, towards the Caspian Sea, and Jordanes tells us in 7: 51: “It was there that the Amazons set up their camp for a while, until they strengthened their army. Getting out of there, they crossed the
Ales River and successfully conquered Armenia, Syria, Cilicia, Galatia, Pisidia, and all the lands of Asia. Then, they returned to Ionia and Eolia, which they defeated and made both of them their own provinces. They ruled there for some more time, and they built cities and barracks, which they gave their own names” 7: 52. ”Therefore the women born in Scythia, helped by fate became rulers of Asia’s leadership that they kept for over 100 years, until they returned to the Maspesia Rock, which we have mentioned before, that is to the Caucaz Mountains…”

   In the above mentioned information, there is a historical fact that we, the Romanians are unaware of because we have been looking like crazy for our roots behind other peoples. Let us look into the affairs of the ancient Egyptians for a little while. There were three pharaohs named Sesostris, in the 12th dynasty (2000-1785 BC), and there was one more in the XIII - XIV dynasties (1785-1680 BC). It is from this period of time, that there is the first mention of the Hyksos people, entering the Nile Delta, where they became the rulers of the city of Avaris, the capital city (how similar to Abaris this is!), and after the year 1730, they would be ruling over Northern Egypt, and the pharaohs of Thebe, in Southern Egypt were their subjects, too. Egyptians did not leave any information about the Hyksos, because they could not stand their guts at all, and in other historical sources the information is scarce on the Hyksos, who also had under control Southern Egypt, between 1730-1580 BC. In order to explain the origin of the Hyksos, we are going to take another look into the old Carpathian language. We know the way it was spoken by our people in the 3rd millennium BC, and in the Emegi / old "Sumerian" language, we find the words “hi-ig that means remarkable people, splendid or fiery, and “sos meaning to ride a horse, to mount, thus we can draw the conclusion that Hyksos means “remarkable” or “fiery horse riders.” All of the old sources speak admiringly about the Scythian and the Getae, describing them as unsurpassed in horse riding and extremely skilled in the use of the bow and arrow, just as Jordanes describes them in the mentioned above text.

  We know that the religion of the Getae was monotheistic, and that in Egypt there was a reform of Pharaoh Amenophis IV/ Ikhunaton (1372-1354 BC), which replaced the old polytheistic cult with a monotheistic one, worshipping only one solar divinity. After the pharaoh’s death, the old traditions reappeared, and traces of the monotheist cult did not disappear, as we can see in the tomb of Pharaoh Sethi I (1312-1298 BC), where on the wall there are two blue angels facing each other. These images cannot be found in any other temples. Also on a papyrus dated 1283 BC, during the reign of Ramses II, (1301-1235 BC), above the mummy there is an angel, lying down and holding the wheel of life or destiny in his hand. The image is identical with the one found on Tablet 11, where this particular angel has a short beard, and as we know, Egyptians did not wear such a distinctive feature. This was a characteristic of the Getae people. This is yet another proof that without any doubt, there were numerous direct ties between the Egyptian and the Getae cultures, otherwise the former would not have absorbed in their religion important elements from the religion of the latter, had they not been two peoples, so well acquainted with each other, and having such compatible ways of thinking. We also have as archaeological proof, the “interior eye” depicted inside of a helmet, which was discovered at Coţofăneşti, Romania. It was dated 7th century BC, and it is a religious symbol found on the walls of many Egyptian temples. Greek sources tell us that Orpheus, who might have lived before the Trojan War, has made a halt in this country to quench his thirst and fill his head with the superabundant Egyptian knowledge. About Zamolxis or Abaris, we certainly know more from the Lead Tablets, viz. the fact that he was in this country (Egypt) with Ili the Geta/Scythian, and with foxy Pythagoras, the one who caused him only trouble.

   From the dawn of the Greek civilization, we also have some information regarding the Books of the Misi People, which consist of their history and beliefs. This is in fact the first religion in the history of humanity, that has a sacred book, and then again THEY talk about written texts to spite the idiots! The bridge between the two cultures, the Carpathian culture and the Egyptian one, was the Canaan region, named this way by the Ivrits, while the Greeks and the Romans called it Palestine, was inhabited byMioritics, called by the Greeks Philistines, and by the Ivrits Canaanites. In our ancestors’ old language, the word “Canaan” has the meaning of colony / community in God’s Land, (ca means house, colony, city, + na, that has the meaning of boundary, layer, to prepare, place, frankincense + an meaning the One in Heaven, the Creator), in other words, the House of God’s Chosen People. Jordanes also left us written evidence that some of the plunderers, who visited Egypt, sometime in the 18th century BC, were lured by the richness of that land.

  Even the word Palestine, which is the Greek name for that region, comes from words in the language of the Ariminian /Getae population that settled in those regions, at a time we cannot pinpoint exactly. These words mean group of angels, or the people created by angels (polei in Romanian means angels, heavenly creatures found in Romanian fairy-tales + stina, the place of gathering of sheep and shepherds). And my question to the Ivrits is: “Does this historical fact have anything to do with the Ivrit fabricated stories about the origin of the Giants?” I am asking them this question, because maybe once again, their vivid imagination will produce another story to “enlighten” us.

   When the Ivrits, started making up their little stories, full of assimilations, comical facts, and bunches of lies they called the Torah and the Talmud, they absorbed some of the Philistines’ religious culture, because those were the natives and because the Philistines had a standard of living far more superior to that of their own people. The Ivrits were nothing else but hoards of rogues and savages! But they also greedily fed on the great Egyptian culture, and as a bunch of moody kittens, they quenched their thirst from the Zoroastrian Persian culture, or from wherever their needs or desire of making money made them go. Whatever was presented to us as Ivrit “revelations and prophecies”, began in mid 5th century BC, but most of their made-up stories, were certainly a product of their imagination createdbetween the 3rd and the 1st century AD, when they started having revelations like crazy, and concocting far-fetched and shameless lies.

  Present day texts have been written after the year 90 AD, when they canonized their writings, after the Council of Jamnia, but they certainly have been using their skills and abilities to fabricate more stories after that, too. If they still have the courage to show off their infamous deeds, I invite these devilish wrong-doers to read the Genesis Apocrypha, discovered in Cumran, in 1947, which exposes their entire work of the devil. And there are also the documents, discovered in the same place, but these were put under lock and key by the Vatican snakes, because these writings are not in line with the made-up stories about the “Chosen People”, and what they mean by that is the Ivrit people, with their monstrous and criminal fabrications, who pulled the wool over the thick-headed Goys and dulled their minds for over 1600 years. Let us research and judge for ourselves their writings and the information we have today about their false revelations.

  In the Torah and in the Genesis, 10: 6, their holiest of writings full of lies and revelations, the dishonest Ivrits tell us that, “Ham, Noah’s son had as direct descendants Cus (Sudan), Mitraim (Egypt), Put and Canaan (Palestine)”. In 10: 14 they wrote, “Mitzraim had direct descendants, his children being some peoples, and among them were the Philistines and the Caftorits of Cyprus Island.” These statements prove without any doubt, that in fact the foxy creators of revelations and sacred truths, have always known the history and the reality of the region very well, but they deliberately falsified them, only to serve their own purpose.

  To be able to make some sense out of it, let us try to shed some light into this dark madness of theirs., between the 5th and 2nd centuries BC, when they started to put together their religious concepts, therefore since the 2nd century BC, when their stories about the apocalypse burst out into the sunlight, it was clearly known at that time, that the Philistines and the old Egyptians descended from the same people. In the above mentioned texts, the Ivrits consider that the Philistines and the Canaanites were closely related peoples, and now based on this trick, which is the noblest of the Ivrit qualities, as Joshua Ben Matityahu (J.Flavius) proudly stated in his writings, the Toraharchaeologists, consider that in fact the Canaanites were actually of Semitic origin. They say that all of the ruins from the 11th - 9th century BC, discovered in the former land of Palestine, were made only by the Ivrit People, but in fact, they did not know how to build, how to chisel and how to even use the axe; all they knew at that time was how to use the mace and the sling, as it is well enough proven by the construction of the Solomon’s temple, for which he asked the Phoenician skilled masters to come and do the job. As a matter of fact, these constructions, that are the pride and joy of Israeli archaeologists now, were erected by Egyptians, who had controlled Palestine for a long time, and some of them were erected by Philistines, who had also been the founders of Jerusalem.

  I mentioned before that he first migration South to Egypt of the Getae and the Scythians, or Cimmerians was massive, and it took place, around the year 1750 BC, and some of them settled in Palestine, after they returned from the conquered land, according to Jordanes. The second coming of the Getae and the Scythians to Palestine, that of the Amazons, according to legend, took place around 1645 BC, when the volcano erupted in the Santorini island, and Europe’s climate changed and became colder, dramatically affecting people’s lives. This climate disaster is preserved in the Mioritic mythology, in the following story. According to our popular mythology, Saint Michael had both the Sun and the Moon on his shoulders, and among other heavenly responsibilities, he had to restrain Mamarca, the Devil’s mother. She used to bring the worst cold weather with her breath, and to turn the Earth into a cake of ice, thus destroying the holy life of the people. This reality preserved well into a piece of folklore, in a myth, shows that we have always had our own homeland, and even if some of us left with the waves of time, others continued to cling to their land, because they have always understood their sacred duty towards the Saint to defend their sacred land.
  In order to save their life and herds, their source of wealth, the only solution this people of shepherds had, was to 
migrate to warmer territories, so they went down south. These populations also are mentioned in the Hittite tablets under the names of Moska, Kaska, Geska and Khabiru or Habiru. The kingdom ofMasa or Misia, founded by the Getae in the 17th century BC, also appears in the Neo-Hittite Empire (1450-1200 BCE), situated in the western area, near Troy. In the Torah it is mentioned by the name of Mas or Mesec. Kaska or Kasii people laid the foundation of a powerful empire, in the territory between the Tiger and the Euphrates rivers, in the 16th century BC, which lasted over 500 years, and Geska or Gesii ( this one has the same pronunciation in the Romanian language), that is the Getae from Asia Minor. Gesii was another name for both the Kaska people, and also for the Kabiru people, that had settled in Canaan and also in the northern areas, in the neighboring Hittite areas, after finishing their “business” in Egypt. In the Emeş (old "Sumerian") writing, the suffix gesi/geti (ge meaning noble, land + ti meaning people,  community), appears in numerous names of people and divinities with the meaning of special people or holy land.

  There is a letter from the time of pharaoh Ramses II (1301-1235), sent to the Hittite king, asking him to send skilled iron workers from the Kabir men, therefore neither an Ivrit, nor a wretched man, because these men were the only ones who mastered the skill of iron work, such an important discovery that changed the fate of humanity.
  At the end of the 13th century BC, the Canaanites, as the Judaic writers used to refer to them, or 
Cabiru, as they used to call themselves in their own Mioritic language, were known to have been able to use iron and build chariots to be used in battles. According to historical accounts, in that region, the only ones who could master the skill of iron works, according to Hittite and Egyptian documents, were the Cabiru, butthe Ivrits named Canaanites, because they inhabited the territory with the same name, and therefore they were only one people, known under two different names, depending on who wrote about them. The same Hittite chronicles remember them on their tablets, where it is written that in Asia Minor, in the battle of Kadesh, fought in 1296 BC, there were also semi-nomadic Habiru people enrolled in the Hittite army. Their name is written as such using the Hittite phonetics, but the Greeks mentioned them by the name ofKabiri or Kalibi.

  In his writing entitled Dionysos, Nonus the Panopolitan, talks about Cybele of Phrigia, who was preparing to fight against the Indians. The war was led by Dyonisos, and the first soldiers who were asked to enlist were the Cabirs, “First, from the steep and sparkling cliff of Lemnos, he forged the tempestuous weapon, almost like a mystical spruce fir from Samos, 
two Cabirs, Alcon and Eurymedon, Hefaistos’ sons, having their mother’s last name, Cabiro from Tracia, being born as sons to the heavenly ironsmith master”.

  In Geography, Strabo writes the following about the Cabirs: “There are some that maintain they are from Ida, others that say they have settled there, but all of them assure us that they are the ones who had worked with iron for the first time, in the mountain of Ida; all of them are some wizards, in the service of the Mother of the Gods, and residing in Frigia, around Ida.”

  In “Description of Greece”, Pausanias says that, “The country of Pergam, was consecrated to theKhabirs, and these deities’ religion and was first born in the midst of the Pelasgians.”
Herodotus also confirms what has already been said before in Histories. “The one who is initiated in the mysteries of the Khabiru people, whom the Samothracians celebrate, having been 
handed down to them, too by the Pelasgians that will be the one who can certainly understand me”. That is very true true Mister Herodotus, and I definitely did understand what you have said, but in our country, to understand is a rare thing!
 Servius, a Roman writer also remembers these good old days, in his writing entitled Aeneid, and the fact that the Gods Aeneas brought to Italy after Troy was destroyed by the Greeks in mid 12th century BC, were made of wood or marble, and they 
were wearing a kind of head band, just like those who were initiated in the Samothrace mysteries.

  The Pharaoh of Egypt, Sesonk I (950 – 929 BC) led a campaign against the Philistines in Northern Judea (during the alleged reign of the famous Ivrit King Solomon, according to the “made-up Torah), butdoesn’t even remember these Ivrits living in that region. The Philistine soldiers are meanwhile depicted on a monument, erected at the pharaoh’s order, and they are wearing a head band adorned with feathers, their body is covered with light leather armor, they carry a little round protective shield, as weapons of attack they use a sword that gets narrower towards the pointy end. That proves that both the Khabirian divinities, and the initiated in these mysterious practices and beliefs, used to wear that head band to symbolize the people descending from the gods, through the Arimaspi people, exactly as you can see it with Zamolxis and Ili, the martyr of the Getae, killed by the enraged clique of rabbis from Jerusalem. If the Egyptians were fiercely fighting against the mean Philistines, I ask the proud blabber mouth Ivrits, who talk nineteen to the dozen, to tell me where exactly was their renowned king Solomon and all of his not-to-be-worth-a-cent pride, if historical sources place the Philistines, then and there, but there was no trace or scent of those penniless Ivrits, made-up many centuries later!

  Diodorus of Sicily, in his work entitled Historical Library remembers the historian Ephorus, who lived in the 4th century BC, by saying, “There are others, among them Ephorus, the Ideen Dactyls used to live around Mount Ida, in Phrigia, and they had come to Europe with Minos… Because they were the authors of a really beneficial good for Humanity (that is the discovery and skill of ironwork), they received everlasting honors”.
Yet, some of those who have been the beneficiaries of their discovery, the Ivrit, the Greek and some of the Latin peoples, falsified their entire history, to be able to use it in their favor. The crappy Ivrits’ history is considered holy and it is venerated!

   This historic reality about the Cabiri people, but written as the Ivrits please, is to be found, for example in Genesis 4: 22, “Tila on her side, gave birth to Tubal-Cain, the maker of all copper and iron tools…”
In Romanian the word "tila" means meeting, reunion, and we also have the first name Tilia. Tila wife of Lameh who was Cain’s son in Irad, Mehuiael, Metusael, being Lameh’s father, who had one more wife, named Ada, a generic name that was discovered on some ceramic fragments in Ardeal. Tubal or Tabal is a state mentioned in some Asyrian documents from the 7th century BC, inhabited by the Scythians or Sabeians, therefore by Getic population. In mid 6th century BC, Zamolxis, who was on his way to
Egypt, came across a group of the Khabirs in Samos Island, a place imbued in the religion of the cross, and he had a nice talk over a glass of wine with them. This story is immortalized on a tablet found in his homeland of Getia, testimony to the future generations of descendants, that were to come, but unfortunately these ones, have a short-memory span, and their minds are propped up by all kinds of bastards and scoundrels.
  This shattering truth has to stand out and to be noticed, once and for all, of the so-called historical revelations prompted by Yahweh to the Ivrits only, the Dark One; Genesis and the creation of humanity, according to their lies, started in the 13th century BCE, as the text above shows, because that is exactly when our ancestors discovered the skill of iron works!

  According to Homer, in Asia Minor, the Phrigians of Tracian origin quickly replaced the Hittites, whose power started diminishing since the 13th century BC, because of the migration of the “sea peoples”, who became the new dominant power, and Palestine, that had been disputed between the Hittite and the Egyptian empires, remained under the pharaoh’s control, after the Hittite state disappeared from history.
  In his poem entitled “Argonautica”, Valerius Flaccus (45-90 AD) gives us details about the Argonauts’expedition in the country inhabited by the 
Hyperboreans / Getae, and he also specifies that on the gate of the magnificent temple, in the city of Aetes it was written: ”…as first king Sesostris led wars against the Getae”. One has to be really crazy to believe that both the ancient Greeks and Romans, and even the ancient Phoenicians, who had lived before them were as nuts as can be, and in their joyful madness they prostrated themselves in front of the Getae, and composed a poem, to make them famous all across the seven seas forever and ever! They also tell us that this little story about the quarrel between the Getae and the Egyptians was written on the temple gate of the city of a Geta man, named Aetes, therefore let us fully stretch our understanding, and get to that period of time, the 12th century BCE, when our Mioritic ancestors could write, and the great majority of them possessed the writing and the reading skills, otherwise we cannot see the reason for this inscription. At the temple, as we know, all the mortal kin was gathering to observe certain holidays and feasts, when the memory of their forefathers was the most vividly remembered at that particular place.
  Euripides, the Greek tragedian who lived in the 5th century, writes in his play entitled Medea that the heroine was the daughter of Aeetes, the king of
Colchis, and that she fell in love with Jason, the hero who had stolen the Golden Fleece, and she went with him to Greece. Some other ancient Hellenic writers, also tell us that north of the Ister River is the "Caucasus" Mountain, where the stealing of the Golden Fleece took place, because this was exactly where the little matted skeins of gold thread were extracted from the rivers, through this procedure, that is when sheep skin was laid, deep down, at the bottom of the river. After a while, it was hung up on a tree, and after it was dry, the gold skeins were gently shaken off. When the Greeks saw this miracle, they were staring their big eyes out in awe. Romanians even nowadays remember those good old days by the last names Colha and Culha.

  In his writing Historic Library, Book III, LX, Diodorus of Sicily tells us one of the legends of Atlas as follows, “After the death of Hyperion the myth relates, the kingdom was divided among the sons of Uranus, the most renowned of whom, were Atlas and Cronos. Of these sons Atlas received as his part the regions on the coast of the "Ocean", and he not only gave the name of Atlantians to his peoples but likewise called the greatest mountain in the land Atlas. 2 They also say that he perfected the science of astrology and was the first to publish to mankind the doctrine of the sphere; and it was for this reason that the idea was held that the entire heavens were supported upon the shoulders of Atlas, the myth darkly hinting in this way at his discovery and description of the sphere. There were born to him a number of sons, one of whom was distinguished above the others for his piety, justice to his subjects, and love of mankind, his name being Hesperus. 3 This king, having once climbed to the peak of Mount Atlas, was suddenly snatched away by mighty winds while he was making his observations of the stars, and never was seen again; and because of the virtuous life he had lived and their pity for his sad fate the multitudes accorded to him immortal honors and called the brightest of the stars of heaven after him.4 Atlas, the myth goes on to relate, also had seven daughters, who as a group were called Atlantides… In the sky, they were called Pleiades.”
  In another part of his writing, 
Diodorus uses the word “Ocean” to refer to the Black Sea, and Atlantis, who got the land near the ocean to rule over it, was in fact the king in the land of the Mioritics, situated between the Tisa and the Don rivers. Out of these lands shrouded in oblivion and people’s wickedness, got out and spread heading the south, like swarms of bees, eager and predatory hoards of people, and their deeds are to be found in a multitude of legends recorded by antique writers. We found some information in thePhoenician Histories, by Philon (64-141) about the kingdom of Atlas, which was the country of origin wherefrom the migration to Egypt, and this is what he writes about this one’s brother, “And Cronos, Amon, going to the southern land, gave the entire land of Egypt to God Taaut, to be his kingdom. All these deeds were recorded for the first time by the Seven Brothers of Sedek, the Cabirs with their eighth brother, Asclepios, as god Taaut ordered.” But Taaut is the divinity the Greeks used to call Thotor Dahauti, as it appears in the early Egyptian writings, therefore these data and facts show us that the Egyptian civilization has its roots in the Carpathians, not only as a people, but also as spirituality, so that these could be heard by all those mad and devilish ones on earth.

  Once again, I am going to refer to the Ivrit text. In Genesis 9: 12 mentioned for the first time, we can find the so-called vow between God and the entire humanity, especially with everything that exists on earth, but not with the Ivrit people, since at that time this people did not exist yet, “ And God said” this is the sign of the vow I make with you and all the living things that are with you, for all the peoples, for ever; 9: 13, my rainbow that I placed in a cloud, it will be a sign of my bond between me and the earth.” In the Book of Enoch, the Slavonic version, Belgrad, chapter 12, this is how the 
solar companions are described, “I then observed two more creatures of the Sun, (…) having a crocodile head and a lion’s legs and tail, they look like a rainbow with violet hues…” Our Solomónars3 too, used to lead some dragons in Heaven, and these dragons sometimes looked like the rainbow when they used to bring blessed rains to the earth”.

  The bronze tablet discovered at Polovragi, where there was an important religious center of the Getae, has on it the image of the vessel of knowledge and of the water of life, in a rainbow frame. In the Mioritic mythology, the rainbow is considered to be the link between heaven and earth, and the seven colors of the rainbow are the colors of the Meru Mountain (Moraru of the Bucegi Mountains, which is the Axis Mundi, the center of our world). In the Christian iconography, Jesus has its throne in the middle of a rainbow, and not on a fire pit at the bottom of Hell, as Yahweh. Plato’s writing entitled The Vision of Er  presents the same phenomenon, the ascension of the soul to Heaven, reaching a place where the light spread from above, and it was like a pillar stretching over the sky and earth, and it had a color similar to that of a rainbow, only much brighter and more pure. But the Greek philosopher’s literary work was influenced by the writings of Abaris/ Zamolxis, which the Hellenic had studied in Greece, in his youth, and that they had helped him greatly.
  But if we were to accuse the Ivrits of theft, it would be very little because this kind of punishment would not even remotely fit the crime, and what they have done cannot even be compared with anything else in the whole history of mankind, because the Mosaics supposedly do only the right thing, and they only tell the truth. Instead, those who prove their lies and unlawfulness are considered to be anti-Semitic!

  At the beginning of the 4th century BC, all of them became so crazy after being breastfed again and again by Satan, so that they started the funny show of circumcision, saying that they were in fact the only ones chosen by little Yahwie, the devil himself, who has to rule over the entire world, and to rob all mankind. In order to better understand the history of those regions of the world, it is very important for me to point out the fact that neither the Hittites, whose state existed until mid 12th century BC, nor the Egyptians remember the Ivrits in their sources, meanwhile the Cabiru and/or the Canaanites are mentioned for hundreds of years in both sources of information, until the 1st century of our era.

  Abraham and his family of nobodies, comes to Palestine in the first part of the 11th century, where he asks the leader, Abimelec to give him permission to settle there for a while, and his permission was granted, Genesis” 21: 34, “Abraham sojourned in the land of the Philistines many days…” But when draught struck the country, Abraham, the wanderer left for Egypt, to save his life and that of his herd. Ten years after, he left Egypt and returned to Palestine, where he died and was buried on a plot bought from a native Hittite. His off-springs live in piece, as foreigners there. But as hard times hit again, something else happened: 26: 1: “There was famine again, after the first one that happened during the time of Abraham” 26: 20, “Isaac’s slaves kept digging in the valley and they came across a well with spring water.”
The shepherds of 
Gherar (in Romanian the word gherar means the month of January, and a ghera, means to scratch, to dig; Ghelar is also a village in Hunedoara county, Romania), they quarreled with Isaac’s shepherds, and said, ‘The water is ours.’ And they called the fountain Esec, because they had quarreled with them” 26: 21. “Then they dug another well and they again quarreled over it.” That is why they called it Sitna (a rivulet with the name Sitna flows on the east side of the city of Botosani, Romania). Isaac went to Abimelec (Abii were a Getic tribe + melec: angel, which means king in the Arameic language), the Philistines’ emperor at Gherar…26: 26, “Abimelec came from Gherar to him, accompanied by his friend Ahuzat (Ahuzan is in the “Book of Enoch”, the place where this one was taken up to Heaven), and withPicolo, the leader of his army, (picula means whistle, and picular means păcurar, another word used for shepherd, in Romanian.), and 26: 28, “…there has to be an agreement between us and you and we will have an agreement with you, 26: 29. Therefore, swear that you will not do us any harm, as we did not touch you, but we were only good to you, and we let you leave in peace “.

  We have to take into consideration the true aspect of the relationships between the Philistines, the onlyones mentioned in the Torah and the Talmud, for over 600 years, as the natives of the Canaan/ Palestine, and the Ivrit wanderers, who were not ashamed to pull their legs and to only cause them all kinds of trouble and misfortune. But let us continue with the Genesis 38: 1, “At that time, Judah, ( Joseph’s brother, whom he had sold to the Madianites, and these ones then sold him in Egypt), he left his brothers and stayed with a man from Adulan, whose name was Hira” (in Romanian the word hîra means quarrel, disagreement, bad cough, dandruff, skin disease). 38: 2, “There Judah, saw the daughter of a Canaanite called Sua (a word meaning arm, property), he married her, and slept with her 38: 3. She got pregnant and gave birth to a son she named Er”.
And if they say that the Philistines from Gerar (or maybe Ghelar) were led by Abimelec, then the name of the leader means exactly the king of the white ones, as previously shown. These people have also been mentioned by Homer in Iliad, and they were living in the land north of the Ister River, which means that the 
Philistines were exactly the white people (those Abii) from the areas situated north of the Ister/Danube River, who had settled in the Canaan (the Land of/for the Chosen People), besides other Ariminian people, but they had settled there much sooner than the Ivrits, who were tallied in history towards the end of the 5th century BC! In Allegorical Comment, Philo, the Rabbi of Alexandria, accused Plato of plagiarizing all the wisdom from Moses’ teachings, considering that the proof was without any doubt in the Myth of Er. We all know that the robber always shouts, “Stop the thief!” He says that the word er means skin in Ivrit, hence the Greek author saw the apparition dressed in white leather clothes. Nonsense! These are mere Ivrit fabrications!

  The word -er got into the Ivrit language, just like a few more hundreds of words, "borrowed" from the language spoken by Canaanites or Philistines, who were no one else but the Getae, who showed up there, in Palestine, in the 12th century, and the following ones. In the Romanian language the word irmeans ointment, crème, and ira means animal skin with no hair on it. In Emegi ira also means well mixed ointment, divinity of death, and ir means lament, prayer, to cry, to lead, to travel further. Plato’s literary work describes how a corpse is brought from the battlefield to be incinerated, and after the period of mourning, he is about to be burned at the stake and that is when he wakes up. He realizes that his wounds are healed, and he recounts rising up to heaven and coming back to earth, to tell those he had left behind, about everything he had seen there. The story is similar to the one in the Book of Eno(ch). The hero was taken by God, brought up to heaven, where he wrote the “Holy Books”, and he was provided heavenly attire to wear in his journey, then he came back to Earth to bring back these writings to his people, and then again he was taken to the sky to stay there forever. If we were to use the metaphor of the ointment, Plato’s character was as bright and glowing as the ointment, he was not wearing a rugged leather or animal skin vest, dressed like a savage, as described by the sly Ivrit writer, who self proclaims himself to be wise, when in fact, he is just an awful falsifier of facts.

  In Genesis 15: 20 they maintain that Yahweh promised them all the land of Canaan, among those, the one inhabited by the Refaims. The suffix -im, shows the plural, hence the name of the tribe is Refa, according to what they state and write. If we look into the toponymy, we still have a locality in the county of Vrancea, Romania called Rafa and the Latins used to call the Carpathians the Rifa Mountains. Even if the population was subject to change, and became Judaic, between the 2nd and the 1st century BC, their true origin is still present nowadays, in the name of the city of Rafah, in Palestine.

  Let us go a little further to Exodus 13: 17 to discover the Philistines, as they are depicted by the inventive Ivrits, in their made-up stories, “And it came to pass, when Pharaoh had let the people go, that God led them not by the way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near” (The sons of Sir Yahweh were led to the desert, so that the generations that had adopted only the Egyptian religion should perish, according to Joshua 5: 2.) Then in 23: 28, “And I will send the hornet before thee, which shall drive out the Hivite, the Canaanite, and the Hittite, from before thee.” (Probably these hornets were worse than our war drones used in present times). In 23: 31, “And I will set thy border from the Red Sea even unto the sea of the Philistines, and from the wilderness unto the River”. The fanatic Mosaics maintain that by the “River”, we have to understand the Euphrates River, flowing about 200  kilometers away from Palestine, because Yahweh wanted them to spread all over the land, stretching as far as possible. The description is a geographical one though, that is the Red Sea on the east, the sea of the Philistines west, and as we all know, that one is nothing else but the Mediterranean Sea. To the south, the desert that stretches as far as Egypt, and to the north, the River, which is the Jordan River from where it springs, to where it flows into the Red Sea. This territory that their people of predators maintain was destined to be theirs, a gift from Yahweh they emphatically called the “promised land”, should definitely be called the “permitted land” instead, because they settled there only due to the benevolence of the native peoples, but they meanly contend that it was conquered by sword about 500 years later, and because winner takes all, the land is rightfully theirs, as winners.

  The map above (left side) shows all the regions in Palestine, as they were at the beginning of the 3nd century B.C. when the Ivrit tribes started showing severe symptoms of “imaginitis”, a serious illness they still suffer from today. Up north in a black contour there is Galilee; lower traced in black and blue there isSamaria; in green contour, along the sea line of the Mediterranean Sea there is Gaza; south east, up to the Dead Sea there is the Jordan River; and finally traced in black, green, and blue there is Judea. On the right side I present a map of Palestine for the 125 B.C. period, when the Judeans separated from the Seleucid kingdom of Syria and began the invasion of the neighboring territories: Gaza, Samaria, Idumeea (Edom) and later Galilee.  

  In the Book of Leviticus, 18: 3, we have some other information about the Philistines, “After the doings of the land of Egypt, wherein ye dwelt, shall ye not do; and after the doings of the land of Canaan, whither I bring you, shall ye not do; 18: 23 “And the land shall not be sold in perpetuity; for the land is Mine; for ye are strangers and settlers with Me.”
In this text Yahweh utters a devastating truth for 
the Mosaics, viz. the fact that they are in the territory of Palestine as strangers, who remained foreigners until 1947, when Papa Stalin fulfilled the last will of the Great Bolshevic Monster, Lenin, built them a satanic nest there, hoping that the Bolshevic snakes of Mosaic Khazars he was subsidizing, would spread its communist poison all over the Middle East. As much as they would kiss their Dark Yahweh’s ass, they will only be “strangers and settlers” to him. That is how he blabs out some truth about those he chose to scratch him in between his devilish horns, and to pay him tribute, protecting and keeping him safe.

  In the Book of Numbers, we can find the Philistine leaders mentioned by name, when they write about the Ivrit tribes in a skirmish with them, for a piece of land the latter wanted to steal from the Philistines, to make it their home, a place under the sun for them to live and be buried. 21: 1, “And the Canaanite, theking of Arad, who dwelt in the South, heard tell that Israel came by the way of Atharim; 33,51 'Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them: When ye pass over the Jordan into the land of Canaan,; then ye shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land from before you, and destroy all their figured stones, and destroy all their molten images, and demolish all their high places ( places of sacrifice) 33: 52. 'Command the children of Israel, and say unto them: When ye come into the land of Canaan, this shall be the land that shall fall unto you for an inheritance, even the land of Canaan according to the borders thereof.” (34: 2.) Here it is obvious how venomous and how hateful the writings of the Ivrits are. This has been, in fact, a characteristic of all of their writings, since the return of their two fiends, Ezra and Nehemiah, towards the end of the 5th century BC, who reformulated their entire old Mosaic ideas, and transformed it into a cult full of grudge, hatred and hostility against all those people who were not circumcised, and that is how they have remained so far.

  Let us insist some more upon the Book of Deuteronomy, in which they say that people were killed, and newcomers from Caphtor, Cyprus, settled in their place in Palestine, an area good for commerce, “And the Avvim, that dwelt in villages as far as Gaza, the Caphtorim, that came forth out of Caphtor, destroyed them, and dwelt in their stead ”2:23. In Joshua, we get information about the Ivrit hero who comes from the desert, crosses the Jordan River, and slaughters all the people living in the city of Ai, but he is incapable of conquering the Philistines too, because of his old age. 9: 1, ” And it came to pass, when all the kings which were on this side Jordan, in the hills, and in the valleys, and in all the coasts of the great sea over against Lebanon, the Hittite, and the Amorite, the Canaanite, the Perizzite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite, heard thereof”. They say that, with Yahweh’s help, Joshua and his army defeated, 12: 14, “the king of Arad”, 12: 16 “the king of Makkedah”. Diodorus of Sicily writes in his book entitledBibliotheca Historica, or Historical Library I,XVIII that, “User, king of Egypt had two sons, Anubis andMachedon, whom he took with him when he started an important war with the rest of the world, and the second son he made king of the land he conquered, which he also named after himself…12: 21 the emperor of Tanaach (the same name is the name of a locality in the county of Vaslui, Romania)…, 12: 23, “The king of Dor in the region of Dor.” (At Sinaia the slope used for skiing is called the Dor Valley Slope, so we know where from Poexotto got their ideas when they came here, 2500 years ago, and it was here, deep into the woods, full of male bears, and also female bears where they became homesick, missing their Palestine), “the Emperor of Goiim in the Gilgal”(goi means naked or bald, hairless + im which means land ) 12: 24 “The king of Tirtzah”( tirţa means little, of no importance and tirsa  means obstacle, impediment ). 13: 1, ”there remaineth yet very much land to be possessed. And the land that you still need to conquer is very large.”13: 2, This is the land that yet remaineth: all the borders of the Philistines…This is the land that yet remaineth: all the borders of the Philistines, and all Geshuri, From Sihor, which is before Egypt, even unto the borders of Ekron northward, which is counted to the Canaanite: five lords of the Philistines; theGazathites, and the Ashdothites, the Eshkalonites, the Gittites, and the Ekronites”. As we can see here, the Philistines were organized in states, led by a king, and they were aware of the fact that they all belonged to the same nation, that they had the same interests, being united to face the Ivrit tribes. They defended themselves against these invaders, fighting with their swords to keep them away from the borders of their homeland. Nevertheless, the Ivrit writers’ pure fiction and their made up stories have nothing to do with the real history of those countries.

  From the Judges (in the Bible), we find out that the great number of invaders made the Philistines accept the Ivrit men among them 1: 27, “And Manasseh did not drive out the inhabitants of Beth-Shean (Şianuwas the name of one of the Hyksos clans, who ruled in northern Egypt, and “beth/beet” means city or fortress), nor of Taanach and its towns, nor the inhabitants of Dor and its towns, nor the inhabitants of Ibleam and its towns”, (Ibrian is a Romanian last  name), “nor the inhabitants of Megiddo and its towns; but the Canaanites were resolved to dwell in that land. When the invaders became powerful enough, the Canaanites were ordered to pay tribute, but they were not banished from their land…”When Israel became strong, they pressed the Canaanites into forced labor but never drove them out completely,” 29 “Nor did Ephraim drive out the Canaanites living in Gezer, but the Canaanites continued to live there among them at Gezer ( “cheşer” means a thick chain used to tie up trees in the forest, chain brake) and 1: 30, “Neither did Zebulun drive out the Canaanites living in Kitron or Nahalol (nahele = land), who remained among them; but they did subject them to forced labor”. 1: 33, “Neither did Naphtali drive out those living in Beth Shemesh or Beth Anath (adne: between, with); but the Naphtalites too lived among the Canaanite inhabitants of the land, and those living in Beth Shemesh and Beth Anath became forced laborers.” (Şamaş was the Sun God in both the Sumerian and Akadian mythologies, Sarmis also appears in Enoch,adne means between, with). They wrote, “Again the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord. They served the Baals and the Ashtoreths, and the gods of Aram, the gods of Sidon, the gods of Moab, the gods of the Ammonites and the gods of the Philistines. And because the Israelites forsook the Lord and no longer served him, 7 he became angry with them. He sold them into the hands of the Philistines and the Ammonites, who that year shattered and crushed them. For eighteen years they oppressed all the Israelites on the east side of the Jordan in Gilead, the land of the Amorites.” 10: 6.

  The information, according to their own account, even if it is obviously full of lies, shows us that the Ivrit tribes were not so many as compared to the Philistines, that they had less weaponry, and they were not experienced enough to fight this kind of battles. They also tell us that Samson, burnt up by jealousy and enraged, when a Philistine father refused to let him marry his daughter, “He burned up the shocks and standing grain, together with the vineyards and olive groves” to take revenge against the Ivrit. (15:6), When the Philistines asked, "Who did this?" they were told, "Samson, the Timnite's (Timneanu's) son-in-law, (Temneanu is a last name in Moldova), because his wife was given to his friend.” 16: 23, “Now the rulers of the Philistines assembled to offer a great sacrifice to Dagon their god (dag means shining, bright, glowing, assembly + on meaning clan, people, nation), and to celebrate by saying, ‘Our god has delivered Samson, our enemy, into our hands’." The information is extremely important for our old culture, because it explicitly tells us that the Philistines had a monotheist religion, a supreme god, the Ivrits called Dagon, but the word better refers to the building or the place where they used to gather to deliberate together. If they believed in only one deity, then the religion of their native country (Dio Getia) was monotheistic. Herodotus tells us the same thing, in mid 5th century BC, when he talks about the Getae’ religion, but the Ivrit text was written sometimes at the beginning of the 3rd century BC, or even later.

  In Samuel I, the last of the judges, we have some information about another conflict between the Philistines and the Ivrit tribes, who fought fiercely, and as a result, the latter were not only defeated on the battlefield, but also their faith in their beloved Yahweh was shattered, as a rag dragged along a dusty road. 4: 1: And the word of Samuel came to all Israel. Now Israel went out against the Philistines to battle…4: 4 “So the people sent to Shiloh, and they brought from thence the ark of the covenant of the Lord of hosts, who sitteth upon the cherubim”…”4: 11 “ And the ark of God was taken; and the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, were slain…5: 1 “ Now the Philistines had taken the ark of God, and they brought it fromEben-Ezer unto Ashdod “(eben means black, black tree, and iezer - mountain lake which gives birth to rivulets, the whole meaning therefore is dark spring or ”spring of the black tree.”) 5: 2:”And the Philistines took the ark of God, and brought it into the house of Dagon, and set it by Dagon.” They make up a story, imagining that the Philistines returned the ark to the Ivrits at Ecron, because supposedly Yahweh “smote the men of the city, both small and great, and emerods broke out upon them” sore swellings all over their buttocks and private parts, caused them suffering, and were meant to punish them. But what is very important is the Philistines’ call to fight: “be men Philistinesbe men and fight!” But the expression “be a man” is to be found as such in our Mioritic culture only, and it is exactly what is written on Tablet 69, discovered at Sinaia, which says “you either leave the fight, or be a MAN”. The Ivrits never understood the true meaning of this word, even if they used it in writing, because they had a different spiritual universe, based on as many lies and as much cunning, on as much fraud and greed as can be. Let me continue by quoting what Samuel said, ” Now there was no smith found throughout all the land of Israel; for the Philistines said: 'Lest the Hebrews make them swords or spears'; 13: 20, “but all the Israelites went down to the Philistines, to sharpen every man his plowshare, and his coulter, and his axe, and his mattock” 13: 22, “ So it came to pass in the day of battle, that there was neither sword nor spear found in the hand of any of the people that were with Saul and Jonathan; but with Saul and with Jonathan his son was there found.” 14: 4 “And between the passes, by which Jonathan sought to go over unto the Philistines' garrison, there was a rocky crag on the one side, and a rocky crag on the other side; and the name of the one was Bozez/Botet, and the name of the other Seneh/Sene. (Botet/botit means crumpled, creased, crammed in Romanian, and Sene/senina has the meaning of serene, clear, to shed a light on, to shine; sini means to turn into shiny blue, to whiten with a shiny bluish luster 19: 22 “Then went he also to Ramah/Rama, and came to a great well that is in Sechu/Secu, and he asked…”. The text above shows the desperate situation that the poor Ivrit men were in, and with no resources to survive, they started attacking the Philistines and plundering. The fact that they had neither swords nor spears, and that they were relying solely on maces and slings, really shows that they were semi-savages, and they maintain that out of that darkness, waves of revelations have flown, and that they have enlightened the whole world with them. This particular text also dates, one more time, when those few thousands of Ivrit tribesmen entered Canaan, at the beginning of the Iron Age, so that it could be clear enough to any nut head, troubled by the soapy "Aramaic" water, as it appears in Tablet 53. There is another fight against the natives after that, as described in chapter 31, in which we find out that as a result of his defeat, Saul commits suicide, so that he could not be captured by the Philistines. These facts took place around the year 980 BC, according to the chronology they have fabricated. After Saul’s death, David becomes king, and he moves the center of power and all his tribesmen, about 30,000 souls, from Jericho to Jerusalem, and arms and all he conquers the Philistines, he forces them into bondage. We find all these in Samuel II.

    In 1 Kings, we can see the fate of those that fell into the hands of the Ivrites, who admit that, “All the people that were left of the Amorites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites, who were not of the children of Israel”; 9: 20, “Even their children that were left after them in the land, whom the children of Israel were not able utterly to destroy, of them did Solomon raise a levy of bondservants” 9: 21. They wrote in 9: 11 that king Solomon gave Hiram of Tyre 20 cities in the land of Galilee. But the Gauls came to this land in 271 BC, thus the term became known in that region at least 100 years later. Therefore the meaning of “onto this day” refers to the second half of the 2nd century BC, or even later, when their minds started cooking to take hold of the entire world through Yahweh, the Prince of Darkness, and they started throwing their bogus stories here and there. Because of political reasons, these crazy stories were even considered good for something by the Hellenics and the Romans, towards the end of the 4th century of our era, when the religion of the Getae, Ariminian Christianity/Mythraism was forbidden as official religion in the Roman Empire, and replaced with the false stories about Moshe, Philo, Clement and Origen.

   In Chronicles 13: 19, “And Abijah pursued after Jeroboam” (Solomon’s son, who ruled in Samaria between 973 – 953), while Abia, who was the king of Judea, plundered his neighbor and acquired some fortune as such: “and took cities from him, Bethel with the towns thereof, and Jeshanah/Ieşana with the towns thereof, and Ephraim with the towns thereof.” In 2 Chronicles we find the Philistines once again, when they cause a lot of trouble to the Ivrits, who have pestered them and remained there, stuck like mange on sheep skin. In 17-20 “Some Philistines brought Jehoshaphat (911- 886 BC) gifts and silver as tribute, and some Arabs brought him flocks.”
In 21: 16, “And then the Lord stirred up against Jehoram the spirit of the Philistines, and of the Arabians that are beside the Ethiopians” (who bordered the Ethiopians) 21: 17, ” and they came up against Judah, and broke into it, and carried away all the substance that was found in the king's house, and his sons also, and his wives; so that there was never a son left him, save Jehoahaz, the youngest of his sons” (871-831BC).” Then in 26: 6 it is written, ”And all the people of
Judah took Uzziah (802-750 BC), who was sixteen years old, and made him king in the room of his father Amaziah. And he went forth and warred against the Philistines, and broke down the wall of Gath, and the wall of Jabneh, and the wall of Ashdod; and he built cities in [the country of] Ashdod, and among the Philistines”. We also find it funny when God speaks to Ili, telling him to take a walk to the margin of the desert, and to drink water from the spring. Then in the morning and at night, ravens would feed him bread and meat. The raven as sacred symbol also appears on the Getae icons and tablets, but it is not a bird native to Palestine, it only flies through the heads of the rabbis as revelations. In 17: 3, “Get thee hence, and turn thee eastward, and hide thyself by the brook Cherith”, viz. before the Jordan River (cherit means in Rumunian little, weak, dead). “And it came to pass after a while, that the brook dried up, because there was no rain in the land.” (17:7.)

  In Amos there are some stories and facts about the year 780 BC, and maybe a little later, when the Philistines were foretold only destruction by fire and slaughter. 1: 7, “So will I send a fire on the wall of Gaza, and it shall devour the palaces thereof; 8 And I will cut off the inhabitant from Ashdod, and him that holdeth the sceptre from Ashkelon; and I will turn My hand against Ekron, and the remnant of the Philistines shall perish, saith the Lord GOD”. He warns the Ivrits to beware the Philistines from Gaat, “That lie upon beds of ivory, and stretch themselves upon their couches, and eat the lambs out of the flock, and the calves out of the midst of the stall; 6: 5, “That thrum on the psaltery, that devise for themselves instruments of music, like David; 6 That drink wine in bowls, and anoint themselves with the chief ointments; but they are not grieved for the hurt of Joseph.”
The author shows that 
the Philistines living in all five centers of power are skilled, rich people, who like living a peaceful life in abundance, working for what they have, not through stealing and plundering. Theylove beautiful things and music, and that is why Ivrits are full of envy and hatred when they see that others are better than them.

   In 2 Kings 18: 8, they write about Ezechiel, king of Judea, in the first half of the 7th century BC, who he started a revolt against Assyrians and refused to be under their rule, “He smote the Philistines unto Gaza and the borders thereof, from the tower of the watchmen to the fortified city.”
  Hence we can see that the Philistines were not subjects to the Ivrits, that they had nothing else to share with each other, except the use of their sharp weapons to fight each other.
  But we have real historical information that put a thorn in the damned lying Ivrits’ side and I would not be surprised at all, if the
Jordan River would freeze at their lies, or drown them. In his account Sargon II, king of Assyria (722-705 BC) mentions the fact that in the year 711 BC, with Egyptian help hedefeated a coalition of the Philistine kings, and forced them to pay him tribute. This detail shows us that there were no poor Ivrits then and there, and only later, starting with the 2nd century BC, their demonic revelations started to bud and then flourished devilishly.

  In Isaiah 9: 1 the beginning of the prophecies refers to the “little kings of Judea”: Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, mid 8th century BC to about mid 7th century BC, “The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem, in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah. 9: 1 “… and afterward did more grievously afflict her by the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, inGalilee of the nations.” 9: 12 “The Syrians before, and the Philistines behind; and they shall devour Israel with open mouth”. 11: 14 “But they shall fly upon the shoulders of the Philistines toward the west; they shall spoil them of the east together: they shall lay their hand upon Edom and Moab; and the children of Ammon shall obey them.” 14: 28 “In the year that king Ahaz died was this burden.” 29 Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent's root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent.”
  This text is proof that these were added exactly in the 1st century BC, where he mentions the Galilee of the Nations, mixed with information referring to good old days, long gone, when the Ivrit men, either fought the Philistines, or were plotting some plunder in the neighboring lands, or wherever there were other promising things, that could make them feel lucky. But they scold them by saying that they should not at all stand up straight and be proud when they face them, as their club is still strong and it could still break their backs, or even worse.

   In Isaiah, we also find in some sensational information that has been obscured until now. 19: 18, “In that day shall be five cities in the land of Egypt speak the language of Canaan, and swear to the Lord of hosts; one shall be called, the city of destruction.” 19: 19 5 In that day shall there be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord.”
  And further, when he curses
Egypt, he says that it would be conquered by a merciless king, and Assyria and Egypt together with Judah will be countries blessed by God. But historical events tell us that the land of Hapy was conquered by the Assyrian King Asurbanipal, in the year 666 BC and it was under and under this rule too, for 45 years. As he emphasizes the fact that among the Egyptians there will be five cities with inhabitants who speak the Canaanite language, which in fact is the language spoken by the Cabiru /Getae people, who have found shelter in Canaan for quite a long time, this statement proves that in mid 7th century BC, these Philistines also found shelter and settled even in Egypt. They were visited by Zamolxes a hundred years later, and some of the Trismegist texts, certainly have the contribution of the Carpato-Ariminic Mioritics who had been living in those regions. In the 2nd century BC, we find these Philistinesliving in Egypt, under the Greek name of Therapeuts / healers, and in the 1st century of our era, Philon of Alexandria reveals that he was enlightened by the Sacred Books of the Esenians /Asenites, of Egypt, word that also has the meaning of healer, not only of the body, but also of the spirit. And the city of the Sun the Greeks called Heliopolis, being one of the places of worship of Dahauti (Dahue means Scythians or Getae, and ti means relatives, inhabitants, rule of life), also called Toth or Hermes Trismegistos.

  In Jeremiah, the prophecy pretends to be written later than 597 BC, when the prophet was picked up and taken by force by his countrymen, and brought to Taphanes, Egypt 1: 10, “For pass over to the isles of theKittites, and see, and send unto Kedar, and consider diligently, and see if there hath been such a thing.(“chida” means mist, fog, and “cheder” loss, damage), Hath a nation changed its gods, which yet are no gods? And the prophet angrily says that Yahweh, 25: 20:  “and all the mingled people; and all the kings of the land of Uz, and all the kings of the land of the Philistines. In 47: 1 “The word of the Lord that came to Jeremiah the prophet concerning the Philistines, before that Pharaoh smote Gaza.” 47: 4,  “Because of the day that cometh to spoil all the Philistines, to cut off from Tyre and Zidon every helper that remaineth; for the Lord (Yahweh) will spoil the Philistines, the remnant of the isle of Caphtor.” The lying prophet was too enraged in his dark soul, that he wanted the Caftorites and the Philistines to die one by one. Surprisingly there was no one to beat the “caft” out of him, for his craziness and immense hatred.

  Ezechiel 24 says, “That thou hast built unto thee an eminent place, and hast made thee a lofty place in every street that the Babylon prophecy is a kind of chronicle of exile until the year 565 BC, but in the text there are accounts, added later. 16: 24 “and in 16: 25, “Thou hast built thy lofty place at every head of the way, and hast made thy beauty an abomination, and hast opened thy feet to every one that passed by, and multiplied thy harlotries.” 16: 25. It goes without saying that the Ivrit’s poor women were selling themselves at every street corner, because their males, had had their manly foreskin cut off, eight days after their birth, and of course, many of them used to get sick and even remain mutilated and impotent, for the rest of their lives. In order to perpetuate their race, and especially to cool off their urges, the females used to do the shameful thing at every street corner, therefore behaving like bitches that attract all kinds of dogs. Neither did these ones belong to the “holy race”, nor were they circumcised, they were all Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians, and other nationalities, but all of them stout and eager to use what nature endowed them with. But there is one more reason for their prostituting at street corners. According to the Mosaic writings, the Ivrit tribes, that had occupied Canaan after Solomon’s death around 922 BC, which in fact is a big fat lie, they divided the kingdom in two, the land of Israel in the north, and the land of Judah in the south, but this in fact, represents no more than 20% of the territory and population. Taking into consideration that they were only 30,000 souls, which David brought with him from Jericho to Jerusalem, around the year 970 BC, and that the Canaan territory was divided among the two of them, we can conclude that in the kingdom of Judah, there were approximately 6,000 Ivrits, or a slightly higher number. Because only those who were practicing the cult of Jaho or Yahweh – and these were only a minority – refused inter-religious marriages, these tribes were facing extinction through sterilization, as they were reproducing only with members within their own religious group. This could well explain why the unhappy guys would send their wives out to the street corners, to mate with guys who were outsiders, therefore who were not members of the same group or tribe, and with whom the Ivrit people had never had sexual relations. What an ungrateful mission and what horns were they wearing!

  We have to mention something else. They used to marry their brothers or sisters’ children, or their own brothers and sisters, which genetically speaking is a disaster. 16: 27, “Behold, therefore I have stretched out My hand over thee, and have diminished thine allowance, and delivered thee unto the will of them that hate thee, the daughters of the Philistines, that are ashamed of thy lewd way.” 16: 31, “in that thou buildest thine eminent place in the head of every way, and makest thy lofty place in every street; and hast not been as a harlot that enhanceth her hire.”16: 32 “Thou wife that committest adultery, that takest strangers instead of thy husband – 16: 34:  “And the contrary is in thee from other women, in that thou didst solicit to harlotry, and wast not solicited; and in that thou givest hire, and no hire is given unto thee, thus thou art contrary.” Great was the truth that the annoyed prophet has told! What kind of passer-by would have even looked at the Ivrit women at the corner of a little lane, if he had had to pay for sleeping with her? But some of them enjoyed being whores so much, that they turned this into a paid service. In their morals, willy-nilly they would have accepted some sinful behavior, but in moderation, in order to keep their blood line. Only that some of them were hot tempered, so they completely forgot about moderation. And bitter, not only with his own people, but also with the Philistines, who had a few conflicts, when the Babylonians grabbed them by the hair, he threatens them. 25: 15, “Thus saith the Lord GOD: Because the Philistines have dealt by revenge, and have taken vengeance with disdain of soul to destroy, for the old hatred.” This text reminds us that before Judea was conquered by Nabucodonosor/Nebuchadnezzar in 597 BC, the Philistines were under the Ivrit yoke, but with the coming of the Chaldean invader, the natives unleashed their old humilities, and they badly shattereded the foreign Ivrit men, hitting them in their pride and balls.
In 25: 16, “Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD: Behold, I will stretch out My hand upon the Philistines, and I will cut off the Cherethites, and destroy the remnant of the sea-coast.” 47: 21: “So shall ye divide this land unto you according to the tribes of
Israel. 47: 22, “And it shall come to pass, that ye shall divide it by lot for an inheritance unto you and to the strangers that sojourn among you, who shall beget children among you; and they shall be unto you as the home-born among the children of Israel; they shall have inheritance with you among the tribes of Israel.” Only that Elohim did not listen to this dark one, and the Philistines’ social structure was able to survive independently from the Ivrits, until mid 1st century AD. Even though under Persian rule, they were despoiled badly by Yahweh’s lads. A map from the end of the 1st century BC shows the Philistines living in a distinct region in Palestine.

  In Joel, we find the Philistines mentioned in a prophecy that supposedly was written during the Babylonian exile. 4: 4, “And also what are ye to Me, O Tyre, and Zidon, and all the regions of Philistia? Will ye render retribution on My behalf?” This prophet too has a grudge against the Philistines for some elusive facts which did bring about a lot of trouble to the wondering Ivrit, who found shelter with the Babylonians. Obadiah, another Ivrit, who was a wonderer, predicted during his exile in Babylon 1: 20, “And the captivity of this host of the children of Israel, that are among the Canaanites, even unto Zarephath, and the captivity of Jerusalem, that is in Sepharad, shall possess the cities of the South.” It was not enough for him to be in a foreign country, but he got bitter and bitter, so that when they had returned to Judea, they would have exterminated the native Philistines, and gotten rid of them forever, because they had not accepted to be enslaved by the Ivrits. I believe that it was from that city that they took the name Sephardi from, this word meaning “those from Judea”. The Khazars from the Volga region are called Aschenazi, and it is about time you found out the real truth about those who bathe in this deep sea of lies, make-up stories, and revelations, that have only happened to the Ivrits, so that they could “illuminate” the peoples of the world, as they have claimed. Another embittered one, because of living among strangers in a foreign land, Zephaniah speaks against the native Philistines, boiling with anger. He fore-tells: 2: 4, “For Gaza shall be forsaken, and Ashkelon a desolation; they shall drive out Ashdod at the noonday, and Ekron shall be rooted up.” 2: 5, “Woe unto the inhabitants of the sea-coast, the nation of the Cherethites! The word of the Lord is against you, O Canaan, the land of the Philistines; I will even destroy thee, that there shall be no inhabitant.” In 2: 6, “And the sea-coast shall be pastures, even meadows for shepherds, and folds for flocks”, and in 2: 7, “And it shall be a portion for the remnant of the house of Judah, whereon they shall feed; in the houses of Ashkelon shall they lie down in the evening; for the Lord their God will remember them, and turn their captivity.” The odious Mosaic monsters, hate like the devil the people who are not circumcised, not because these might have caused problems, but because they have refused to let themselves enslaved by them. The waves of the visceral hatred which started deep into the Ivris’ heart and soul, appear again in the prophecy of Zechariah, who around 520 BC, describes visions from Babylon, pleasant to Yahweh, 9: 6, ”And a bastard shall dwell in Ashdod, and I will cut off the pride of the Philistines.” 14: 21,   “Yea, every pot in Jerusalem and in Judah shall be holy unto the LORD of hosts; and all they that sacrifice shall come and take of them, and seethe therein; and in that day there shall be no more a trafficker in the house of the LORD of hosts.” This text is revealing because we find out that the Philistines were extremely skilled in the art of pottery, and that the fruit of their labor was sold to the Ivrits to be used in the Temple of Jerusalem, too. In order to forbid the Canaanites to enter their temple, the prophet asked the worshippers to bring their own vessels to the worship place, so that the Canaanites would not show up there anymore, just the Ivrits.

  In Ezra, a great rabbi who came to Palestine from Babylon around the year 458 BC, during the reign of Artaxerxe (465-424 BC), the Persian king, together with a group of proselytes who were to shape the Mosaic cult in a different way, as they had been influenced by the Zoroastrian Doctrine and by the Philistine and Egyptian religions, we have a description of how the Brotherhood of Israel was created. In 9: 1, “Now when these things were done, the princes drew near unto me, saying: 'The people of Israel, and the priests and the Levites, have not separated themselves from the peoples of the lands, doing according to their abominations, even of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians, and the Amorites.” 9: 2:“For they have taken of their daughters for themselves and for their sons; so that the holy seed have mingled themselves with the peoples of the lands; yea, the hand of the princes and rulers hath been first in this faithlessness.” I’ll be darned, this “Holy People” swimming into a deep sea of malice and deception, sinful and bad to the bone, mating with all the “shepherd dogs” traveling through that land, was there any more room for holiness? While those banished to the Babylonian Empire were producing venom to pour it into the souls of the Philistines and other natives of Canaan, the Ivrit men who remained home were in good terms with these people, so there were numerous mixed marriages, as a result. After the venomous “enlightened ones” returned from exile, the Ivrit men, who chose to marry women, natives of Palestine, were forced to send them back to their parents otherwise they would have lost their right to be included in the Satanic Brotherhood of Yahweh. It is with Ezrah and Nehemiah, that the great Mosaic infamy regarding the “chosen people”, and the world reign started, and it has been the dominance of only the circumcised people, the devilish fanatic Ivrits, ever sinceNehemiah was an important leader of the Judeans, who led them between 445 - 433 BC, and he succeeded in rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls and he also built a temple to be used in their cult, and after Ezra’s death. He became an important rabbi, having a decisive role in shifting the Mosaic cult towards a fanatic, and at the same time materialistic cult, in which Yahweh’s benevolence is always measured by the “size of the purse.” The Assyrian, the Babylonian, and the Persian kings used to make those whom they conquered venerate the statues of the gods put in the conqueror’s places of worship. The Ivrits have never mentioned such practices in their holy writings made up by Moses. Nor did they ever mention the tribute they had to pay to the conquerors, which is clear proof that they were quite the people with NO collective memory whatsoever, in the land of Palestine. They did not love Yahweh too much either, and their revelations are part fiction written in the Persian period, part fabricated during the late period of the Macedonian occupation, and later, during the Roman one, which they “delivered ” to the clay-headed goys.

  In order to better understand how come the Philistines disappeared from that region’s history after the 5th century BC, we also have to look into the history of the neighboring Phoenicians and Egyptians, with which they had relationships, either willingly or out of necessity, and it is in these peoples’ history that we can find information about them.

  Ashera was the Philistine Deity of Fertility, discovered in a lot of dwellings from before the 6th century BC. The statue is shaped as a little woman, with fine lines up to her waist, wearing a head dress with coins, just like some of the women of
Banat, Romania wear nowadays, and just like the one that Queen Shubad of Sumer wears. Shubad holds a little baby, in swaddling clothes. But the statue was discovered in a lot of other tombs, which were in fact, some horizontal holes dug into a stony hill, where the dead were buried. The word is written ashera, because the Semites did not use the sound ce, this being replaced by the consonant “sh”. In Romanian, the word acera means to trust, to wait for, to wait for or hope for. In the Ivrit language, the word means the happy one. The neighboring Phoenicians considered goddess Asera to be the wife of El, who was God Supreme, and she had the same role as Innana for the Emes, being a goddess of Mother Earth, therefore a goddess of birth and regeneration of life, blessing and bringing happiness to the women who could conceive. Or our word acera, has this very deep meaning of giving birth or rebirth into something else, to hope or to be blessed with a new life. After the 5th century BC, there are no other archaeological findings like these statuettes, clear proof that on the heads of the Ivrits and the Philistines Ezra and Nehmiah ferociously imposed the firm grip of the unseen Yahweh. This is the historical period when Mosaism was shaped.

  Some tombs of the Getae from the early Bronze Age were discovered at Naeni, in the county of Buzău, Romania. There are some horizontal holes dug into a limestone hill, in which the dead were buried. The “Torah archaeologists”, who discovered similar tombs in their country, in Israel, quickly attributed them to their Ivrit ancestors, when in fact they belonged to the Philistines, populations who had left their native Carpathians around mid 17th century BC. The memory of Ashera has remained for a long time with the Ariminian people, being absorbed into the Judeo-Christian miraculous deeds and doings of the Romanian Orthodox religion, under the name of Saint Archira, the protector of married women and of dressmakers. Her relics are to be found in Saint Paraschiva church in Istanbul, under the administration of the Romanian Patriarchy. The carpenters of historical creations will label this kind of information as nothing else, but mere coincidences!

  Bes was another Philistine divinity, but we do not know what her role in the religious cult of Canaan was. But in her case, very useful proves to be the Egyptian mythology, because in it, we find a happy character, with the same name. He is believed to help the birth of children, and to protect women after conceiving and his spirit is represented by an old bearded man with chubby cheeks, who wears a feathered crown placed on a head band. The same head ornament is worn by the Philistine prisoners of Sheshonk, who was Egyptian Pharaoh around 935 BC. In the same exact region, starting with the 3rd century of our era, several churches are mentioned, and in these churches, people belonging to the Bessi tribes, whose origin was from the Ister River area, who had came here to work, and who continued the Esenian practices in their Bessi language, worshipping their own god, different from the Judeo-Christian god. All this amazing history is in our culture nothing but a “bessa” of the worshippers of Băsescu culture, spread throughout the world by the corrupted ”art sully” of H.R. Patapievici, paid for with our money!

  Thor was the supreme divinity of the cult practiced by the Philistines, also known as Canaanites, and in their language it means Taurus, a personification of El, the Supreme God. On the ancient lead tablets, the word tor is used with the meaning of cattle stall and in the old Romanian it means animal dung in a stable;torişte means the herd or sheep resting place used in the afternoon or at night, or inhabited land. In the process of creation, our Heavenly Father of eternal death and re-birth is personified as a celestial bull, subject to the law of death to create eternal life on our planet through Mother Earth. The theosophy is identical to the one practiced by the Philistines, with their religious symbols, El and Ashera. When the Ivrits plotted to create the Mosaic cult, they borrowed galore from the Philistine religion, even the name of the book Moses allegedly "received from Yahweh", the Torah, is in fact the name of the native Canaanite/Philistine writings, that means the Solar Bull or Torah/Thora, which is teaching nothing else but a way to pursue, in order to better yourself and to be more righteous. To make them even greener with envy, I am going to bring forward yet another proof from Emegi, the language of the Emesh people: tor and tora means bull/taurus or cattle stall. Torah is inappropriately translated as “law” because the meaning of the word is in fact “teaching” or “direction” in the old Ivrit language. Therefore they did not give the world the Torah, as they have been showing off affectedly, monkey-like for such a long time. What the Ivrits have made-up instead is nothing else but a “False Torah”!

  And then again, some more arguments could be brought out as evidence, in order to uncover those made-up creations, considered to be revelations since before the creation of the world. Between the 1st and 4th centuries of our era, there were some writings that circulated in the Roman Empire, called the Chaldean Oracles, Chaldean Writings or Chaldean Teachings. There is no precise information about their author or culture they belong to, even though it is possible that in Antiquity their origin was known, but the history falsifiers did their dirty job so very well, that this subject was obscured, too. But those particular writings were also read by the Egyptian pharaohs Psamitec I and Nekau, who lived towards the end of the 7th century BC and the beginning of the 6th century BC. As the writings are mentioned in Egypt as valuable writings, greatly appreciated even by pharaohs, it means that they were in circulation in Palestine, too.Part of their content is in fact the religion of the Getae, and the ideas and the expressions of the few texts that got down in history and got to us, are also to be found partly or entirely in the Essenes’ writings and in the Book of Eno(ch). But these sacred texts were also known by the Philistines, as well as by Abraham, the patriarch of the Ivrits, according to the Apocrypha of the Genesis, discovered in Qumran in 1947. This proves that the Ivrits fully used these writings to get inspired, when they started to fabricate their Torah, as it results not only from the analysis of the Genesis and the Talmud, but also from that of other writings. There are similarities that prove to be very annoying to the goatees of the “Chosen People”, who worked hard to reap the benefits of other people’s toil and wisdom. All these writings, the Book of Enoch and others who have disappeared, used to make up the liturgical dogma of the Philistines. Even though the Judeo-Christians consider this piece of literature secular, those who read it discover in amazement that true Christianity is to be found in these texts and not in the Torah or the Talmud, writings full of lies, greed, violence, and all kinds of crimes and misfortune that inspire terror.

  The Neo-Platonic exponents used to consider these writings as being the most sublime kind of Theurgy that should have been known by everybody in the world. Even the brightest Judeo-Christian scholars have read and fully used these writings, to prove that Mosaism can easily climb the Ariminic Christian religion without using any ladder, this being one and the same religious belief. As a matter of fact, these two theological concepts are nothing else but two very different ones.

  The name "Chaldean" given to these writings, first and foremost showed the language they were written in, but in time, after the Judeo-Christian religion was imposed in the Roman Empire, its meaning was distorted and it got the meaning of Chaldea or Mesopotamia, therefore the place where they were written. The Aramaic language was also known as Syrian or Chaldean, and the name of the texts shows that in the beginning, they were written in Aramaic. But Aramaic was the language that was circulating in the Orient was the language of the Scythians of the Persian Empire, and the Esenes wrote the majority of their texts in this language, in order to spread their religion in this language, therefore the Chaldean Oracles are texts belonging to the theosophy of the Getae and the great majority of these texts was destroyed by some scoundrels, and those that remained were improperly named, so that any trace that could shed a light on their true origin could be lost.
  Sometime around the year 175, the Judeo-Christian Bishop Meliton of Sardes stated that 
all the Christian philosophy had originated in the religion of the Barbarians, and that it had NOT been created by the Judeans or the Greeks, and remember this was stated 200 years before the Pharisees made up their stories and imposed it as the only religion of the Roman Empire!

  Sidec was a divinity that personified righteousness and honesty in the Philistine religion. This character is also mentioned in the Book of Eno, Melchisedec being the priest of the “chosen people”, when Eno, his father was taken up to Heaven, to receive from the Creator of all things seen and unseen, the Way/Law of Truth and Justice. Philo of Byblos wrote during Hadrian’s reign, a Phoenician mythology inspired by a text written by Sanschuniaton, a priest who lived in the 11th century BC. Philo’s writing was copied by Phorphyry, and from this one, some fragments got into Praeparatio Evangelica, written byEusebius of Caesarea at the beginning of the 4th century. This mythology of the Phoenicians, who were the Philistines’ neighbors to the north, reveals the following, “Out of Mishor, (the Ivrits used to callMoesia, Masih or Mashiach), Taautos, who invented the first writing symbols, was born.” The Egyptians and the Alexandrians used to call him Toth, while the Greeks used to call him Hermes. And: “Sidech is the native land of the Dioscuri, the Cabiri, the Choribants and the Samothracians”.

As we can see, the collective memory of that time kept an amazing historical truth: the Cabirs, theChoribants, the Samothracians or the Dioscuri were indeed the descendents of Sidec/Melchisedech, who in his turn was a direct descendent of Eno(ch), and they used to practice an extremely old cult. Eno and all his Ariminic tribes, used to practice this cult, the religion of the cross, and even the Ivrits used to know this for a fact, because they had practiced this cult for a few hundred years. In the Apocrypha, a text written in the 2nd century BC, when Abraham got to Egypt and the Pharaoh’s servants asked him, he answered them in words of wisdom from the Book of Enoch, which was the source of wisdom at that time. Sometime in early 3rd century of our era, Tertulian wrote about the same book, saying that it had been written long before the great flood, and that it had been saved by Noah in his Arch, in order to offer it to the entire humanity. Only that Satan was a sharper and a meaner dealer, who fooled the clay-headed goys with false accounts of the Mosaics.

  But the disappearance of the Philistines /Canaanites from the Palestinian territory was not a normal process of assimilation by the Ivrits, it was a criminal act on their part, because they had in mind to exterminate the native population, and they partially succeeded in doing so. Until the Persian occupation of Palestine, in mid 6th century BC, the Philistines were mentioned in Egyptian documents, both as enemies and as allies. With their new ruler, the Ivrits got along better, and some of them enlisted in the Persian army as mercenaries, and they were mentioned in the Elephantina, fighting the Egyptians from the south, when the latter rose in battle to chase away the Persian invaders. This is how they succeeded in gaining the confidence of the Persians, and how they got to be under the leadership of Ezra and Nehemiah in Judea. The Ivrits were not numerous in this land, and the proof is in Samuel 6: 1, where this one says that David left Jerusalem for Jericho with all his men, which numbered 30,000 souls. Even this figure is inflated, because only 70 souls left for Egypt with Jacob, and it is impossible for them to be so numerous after only four generations. In Jeremiah 52: 28-30 it is written that 4,600 Ivrit men were deported to Babylon in two stages. About the same number of people left for Egypt, because of the wrath of the invaders, and in Palestine, there were very few people left to work the land and the vineyards, therefore they must have been a total of about 15,000 to 30,000 Ivrit people. When Ezra returned to Canaan and started organizing the Brotherhood of Israel, a unifying organization of the Mosaics that exists nowadays, too, they were 42,360 people (Nehemiah 7: 60), they were organized in two tribes, that is the tribe of Judah and the tribe of Benjamin. And this was a cult whose fundamental belief was to hate all those who did not get circumcised, Nehemiah 13: 3, “And it came to pass, when they had heard the law, that they separated from Israel all the alien mixture.” The first victims of this craziness were the Philistines, who were neither in the same boats with the Persians, nor kissing Jaho/Yhwh, the greatest love of the Ivrits, whom they named Yahweh in the 3rd century BC. This act of getting rid of the Philistines is described in 2 Samuel 3: 14 as follows, “And David sent messengers to Ish-bosheth Saul's son, saying: Deliver me my wife Michal, whom I betrothed to me for a hundred foreskins of the Philistines.” The mutilation of the Philistines by the Ivrits, who wanted to convert them to the Mosaic religion by force, was a long-term plan, a fanatic one, until this people and its religion disappeared forever from Palestine, at the beginning of our era, as the Qumran writings prove it.

  Antioch IV (175-164 BC), the Macedonian king of Syria, who ruled Palestine at that time heard about the horrible acts of the Ivrits against the Philistines and other tribes, and in 168 BC he forbade them to practice the Mosaic cult, circumcision, and the reading of the Torah. The prompt response was a “civil war”, which soon after, became an uprising led by Judah, the Machabee and his brothers. For 23 years (165-142 BC) the Macedonian rulers tried to use their swords to calm down the rebellious fervor of god Yahweh’s sons, but ultimately Judea won its independence from the Syrian Kingdom, helped by the Romans and it is through these events that they make it into the History of Antiquity. Their stories found in the Talmud are nothing else but fibs or big fat lies, which they have claimed to be sacred, and true revelations sent only to them by Yahweh, but they could never be confirmed by history! That is why the Ivrits (and later the Khazars) consider that they do not need history in order to write an account of their own existence, and they believe that nobody has the right to contradict them, because whoever does that is being accused of anti-Semitism!

  The Philistines are mentioned as a people for the last time in history by the very pen of the enraged Ivrits, who at the beginning of the 1st century of our era set out to annihilate, or to enslave the entire human race under the direct leadership and help of Yahweh. In The War of the Sons of Light against the Sons of Darkness, a manuscript discovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls in Qumran, which they wrote while in exile, they said that when they would come to Palestine to free Jerusalem from the scent of those who were not circumcised, they would mercilessly decimate the natives of Judea: the Edomites, the Mohabites, the Anmmonites, and the Philistines, but their hatred would also fall upon the Romans, who were the conquerers in that region. But because the method of mutilating the manhood of the Philistines was not very efficient, they managed to find a needle for the devil’s skin, the devils this time being the stubborn ones.

  This first criminal method was practiced by the Mosaics in the 1st and 2nd centuries of our era, remembered by Saul/Paul in Galateeans 6: 12-13, “As many as desire to make a fair shew in the flesh,they constrain you to be circumcised; only lest they should suffer persecution for the cross of Christ. For neither they themselves who are circumcised keep the law; but desire to have you circumcised, that they may glory in your flesh.”
As the above quoted excerpt shows, the Ivrit string-pulling bands became the third nation in the Roman Empire after the year 98 of our era, therefore they were free citizens, who could wonder around to get as many followers as they could, as well as collect as many male organ skins as they could from other people, and ultimately they proudly proclaimed themselves Judeo-Christians and most beloved by Yahweh. Their mean behavior greatly upset the Roman Emperor Hadrian (117-138), who appeased the villainous zeal they showed against so many other peoples, and he gave a decree around the year 130 of our era, in which he declared circumcision and the study of the Torah illegal. This led to the revolt of Bar-Kokhba in the year 132, when he occupied
Jerusalem, proclaimed Judea an independent kingdom, and proclaimed himself “King of Judea”, as printed on the coins he ordered. After being indulgent for three years, the Romans took arms, and sent skilled fighters against the hot-tempered fanatic Ivrits, who had tried so hard to tighten everybody in their mad religious ropes, and to keep them in insatiable piles. As a result of the fight the Romans succeed in making the Ivrits bite the dust one by one, so that all they could see was Yahweh, both down on the ground, and up in the sky above.

  The second method used to destroy the Philistine community was the practice of lending money on interest, and making a profit was their specialty, as the Ivrits, through Brotherhood of Israel, became accomplished masters. And if we do not have details about how they were successful at ruining the Philistines, we could exemplify through an identical fact at hand, this time of the Mosaic Khazars against the Romanians, as well as against the Ruthenes, in the 19th century. In an extensive article published inTimpul, on June 12, 13, 14, and 21, 1879, Mihail Eminescu exemplifies how Bucovina was depopulated when a large number of Romanian and Ruthenian peasants were ruined by the Mosaic Khazars, who lent them money with interest. As a result, over 800,000 homes were repossessed and their former peasant owners were forced to immigrate to America, when their homes entered in the lenders’ possession. The author of the article quotes from “Der Wucher in der Bucovina”, a study written by Platter, a professor at the University of Cernăuţi, who gave statistical data, and who acknowledged the evidence of facts, and he talks about a massive depopulation of the region, and a loss of income for the treasury of the empire. But just as it used to be at a time when the Ivrits had in mind to expel all those non-circumcised, the "foreigners" from Judea, as Nehemiah, the villain newcomer - a nobody used to refer to them, the debtor used to lose his property because of usury and usurers, and to be enslaved, and often times sold as a slave, as a result, and this is how he entirely lost his identity. 

  The third method the Ivrits successfully used, to make the Philistines disappear from history was the use of their administrative power, exercised in Palestine in the name of their Persian ruler for over 220 years. Abuse and all kinds of lawless deeds, forced those people who opposed the greedy and mean Ivrits to leave their land for good, and to spread all over the wide world. We, as Rumunians/Romanians were fully acquainted with the ferocious Bolshevik Mosaics, while our country was under the control of the USSR, and the entire structure of the state fell into the hands of the Khazars for 20 years. At that time 10% of the adult population of Romania, that is about 1,250,000 people went through, and were terrorized by the Bolshevic institutions, or were forced into labor camps and “rehabilitation schools”.

  In the second half of the 5th century BC, even the history of the Ivrits, made up and falsified in the so-called Holy Scripture, avoids mentioning the existence of this people in Palestine or elsewhere, because it is mentioned only at the beginning of the 2nd century, when it fights to defeat domination of Macedonian kings in Syria. None of their kings mentioned in the Talmud is confirmed by Phoenician or Egyptian sources and cultures, whose people, as they claim, have been their neighbors for many centuries. If most of the so called “revelations” (such as the Ivrits’ 479 years spent in Egypt; their exodus out of this country, thanks to their army of 600,000 soldiers, who according to them, have butchered the Egyptians, forcing them to give them all the gold and silver; the destruction of Jericho; Joshua’s entering Canaan with an army of 400,000 fighters; the building of Solomon’s Temple, etc.) have never been proven real by archaeology or history. These could be simply considered lies and made up stories, as long as none of them has been corroborated with any other sources, yet. Why should we consider all the kings listed in the Talmud to have been real?

  In fact their real history is very different, and they falsified it in the period of time between the 2nd century BC, (when the Apocrypha, a totally different text from what we know asTorah, was discovered in Qumran in 1947, and nobody, not even the Vatican has had any doubts about it!), and the year 90, when the Rabbis Conclave of Jamnia established the cannon of the Mosaic text, which afterwards they delivered to the infamous Greeks and Romans, as the most precious teaching / false histories. The Ivrits were a tribe of only a few thousand people, who sneaked out of the dessert and into Palestine, forgotten by history for centuries, as neither the Egyptians nor the Assyrians mentioned them, but when they grew in number, acquired some possessions, and started rubbing their eye boogers to see clearer, then they could see that their neighbors had accomplished something, so they became green with envy and boiling inside. But because there was no other way for them to do this, they started lying and tailoring their lies, so that the whole world could fit into the pattern of their fabrications, and later they found allies among the Greeks and the Romans. Even John, the big liar, wrote in Apocalypse 7 : 4-5 that his people, chosen by Yahweh to lead the world, numbered 144,000 souls; they say that he wrote this at the end of the 1st century of our era, even though the information places his writings after the year 385. All those enraged Mosaics and Zionists insolently lie, when they tell us that they were as many as many as the sand of the sea, even though Philo writes that there were over 1,000,000 people in Egypt only. J. Flavius writes that the Romans butchered during the siege of Jerusalem 1,100,000 of pure souls! If you think about the silly assertions they make, you would get a headache! All historians agree upon a different figure, that is about 150,000 - 200,000 people, who was the entire Ivrit population in the Roman Empire, during the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem, in the year 70 of our era.

  From the information that got down to us, we can conclude that the Philistine or Canaanite people, according to the Ivrit accounts, had a monotheist religion, believed in the Lord of the Heavenly Hosts, had altars, heights, where they used to worship the solar horses and the chariot of fire, and that they used to serve only unleavened bread at the table, as offerings. Incorporated in their religion was the cult of their ancestors and heroes, and as mythical symbols they had the Solar Bull/Taurus, and the snake. The Ivrits knew them as a well to do people, some extremely gifted oracles, and practicing purifications. Around the year 310 of our era, Lactantius, the Judeo-Christian prelate wrote about the Roman emperor Galerius’s mother, who was a priestess and adored the spirits of the mountain peaks. We can see that even if there is a time lapse of over 1,000 years between them, there are amazing similarities between the Canaanite religion and that of the Getae from the north of the Ister River, and that the Solar Taurus and the snake appear on several of the Lead Tablets and on little icons discovered in the territory inhabited by them in the past. The Getae living north of the Ister River used to call their heroes Aseni, and in Palestine that mysterious group of people was called by the Judeans Eseni; in English the name is Essenes, whom they tried to convert to Judaism by means of false writings and lies. Nevertheless the writings of the Essenes prove without any doubt that they are an indestructible part of the writings of the Getae, but many of them were destroyed by the Greeks and the Romans after the year 381, when the Judeo- Satanist false stories became the official religion of the Roman Empire.
In the old Ivrit language there is a linguistic component of about 20-30% of the words, which have as origin the language spoken by the Philistines, the Getae from the Carpathians. But when the Khazars invaded our homeland after the year 1860, they discovered that the Romanian language has some words that are also found in their religious vocabulary, so they invented the Ivrit colonization of our lands during their service in the Roman army, when part of Getia was under Roman occupation. Based on this nasty fabrication, they started preparing for the Poexotto plan, too.

   I am going to continue with some of the words that I came across in my research; for example:

Aba : father =aba, father, ancestor, old man; adama: land = a-dam : settlement, colony, colonization in Emegir ; agalah: chariot, cart = to walk slowly, walking slowly along the cart ; ain : belonging to the light, the Creator = aion: ion or eon, spiritual, energetic body of light ; alenu : an old Mosaic prayer = aleanu: sorrow and a-la-an: oak in Emegir, or holy tree used in funerals, and a long time ago trials used to be held under this kind of tree; amen = devotion, veneration = amen: blessing, invocation; Anohi: Elohim, the Creator = Anahita : the Imaculata was a yazata in Zoroastrianism, who in the 4th century BC, during Ataxerxe Mnemon (404-361BC) became the great goddess of life, disputing supremacy with Ahura-Mazda. But Zoroastrianism became the official religion of the
Persian Empire in the year 255 BC. The word was borrowed by the Ivrits with the same meaning, and a very similar phonology, and this proves without a doubt that they started planning their fabrications in mid-3rd century BC, taking from the Zoroastrian Persians the monotheist cult model, too; asera: pole, stake = acera: to get support, to wait, to be on the watch; ata: father = ata: father; Asmedai: the leader of the devils in the Talmud = Aeshma: Belial or the Devil himself;

Bala: to devour, to swallow = bala: balaur in Romanian, meaning dragon, monster; beney, Elohim’s children in Genesis, who mate with mortal women, who give birth to giants = binni: to build, noisy crowd, fish in Emegir; berur: selection = berat: proxi; bina: distinguishing = bina: stage, big building, annex, extension;

Chipa: the embodiment of the celestial being, the Creator, in Ivrit = chip: face, appearance, being, fantasy, embodiment, but there is also the word “chibzuinta”(chip+ Zion/Zoen + ta, therefore it means one’s judgment according to Zoin, the appearance/mind of Zoin).

Da: blessing = da: yes, to approve, to give; da’at: Yahweh’s universal knowledge = dat: given, given as a gift, term, period; dabar: herald, broadcaster, guide = daba: city, fortification; dai: enough = dai: a da; din: judgment = din: life, true, to last in Emegir; dor: generation = dor: longing, melancholy, sadness, uneasiness.

Ed: evidence, proof, witness = ed, witness, judge; edia: intelligence, judgment = edia: judging priest; eir: in leather = ir: ointment, grease;

Gal: vagina, birth = gal: gal, vagina, the eldest son in Emegir; gala: to wander from place to place, to wander about, to lose one’s way, to leave one’s country = gala: religious songs in Emegir; galgal: the symbolic circle in which the Golem is born – gal-gal: proud, haughty in Emegir; gan: garden, field, plain = gan: field divided into lots, cultivated land in Emegir; gola: exile = gola: to obey, to leave.

Haba: to come = haba: to crawl; haia: alive = hai: to invite, to ask somebody to do something, to start walking, to walk along ; hased: grace, talent, love = husit: absent-minded, bewildered; hida: allegory = hida: very ugly, nasty, unusual; higaion: attempt = hicai: to beat, to mistreat; hiiut: great vitality = huit:  roaring, buzz; hod: splendor = hod: evolution, course; ho’hma: intelligence = haoma: magical potion that used to bring full knowledge and immortality, in Zoroastrianism.

Ies: everything that exists = ies: to exit, to pass; ietira: genesis, creation = iesirea: exiting, coming out; ila’a: supreme = ila: to be in a high position, to lead, to be bright in Emegir; Iezer tob; fountain of Light or good knowledge; Iezer ra: source of darkness or bad teaching; iezer: mountain lake where streams spring from; Yom: day = ion: eon eion: spiritual-energetic entities belonging to the divine procession of the beings of light, Ion is a Getae and a Romanian name, and also the origin of the ions in the culture of the Greeks and Gnostics, Ionah: pigeon, the Holy Ghost = ion: beings of light symbolized by the dove; itim: religious service in Emegir, and in the Romanian language it means exactly like, just like, just like this.

Kavana: indirect divine manifestation = canava: support made of cloth to sew, lace frame; khatt’at: pay to a priest to be absolved of sins = catat: looked for, searched for; Kedesu: whore in the Ivrit language = codosu: depraved, good-for-nothing; ken: call = chem: calling; ke’eder: lack of light = cheder: damage, loss; kelipot: the other parts = calapod: boot tree, cliche; kerubim comes from the Assyrian “kurubu”, the bull monsters, often times having a human head, that were set at the entrance of temples = coroaba: big old cow; kinuiim: impressive, domineering, stately = chinuim: to strive, to struggle; keter: crown = ceter: to bother somebody, to scold someone; klipin: bad spirits = clipis: in an instant, quickly;

Laasot: day of rest = lasata: destined, predestined day;

Mame: mother = mama; man = mana: manna, disease; maghid: preacher, messenger, story teller = maghista: witch; marom: heights = maroi: very big; masa: unleavened bread = masa: food, meal, table, to eat; maskil: hidden or penetration = mascui: to put on a mask; melec: king = melec: amgel; meleh: king = melean: tall and stout, robust, strong man; mesura: measure = masura: to measure, standard of measurement; midin: judge throne = medean: open space, flat terrain.

Netah: stability = nita: look! Here! Say!

Olam: the world, immeasurable space, universe = alam: territory, land in Pesian; omen: educated, faithful; to distinguish, to honor through education = omeni: hospitable, to do the honors of the house, to honor, to glorify; or: light = or: kin, lineage, to shine, to radiate in Emegir; ortom: pure light = domoz tomo: son of light on the bright cross, expression on tablet # 10.

Para: bright red, fire = para: flame, fiery red, and they also have the expression  para aduna that refers to a religious ritual (para + adu-ma); para: to grow, to produce, to yeld fruit = para: fruit, wealth, to spread; pardes: garden; it appears only three times in the Song of Songs, in the Ecclesiast and in Nemeia = parde: enclosed garden, park in Persian; pasha: to jump, to go beyond, whereof the holiday of Pesah = pasha: pasture, pasar: compass, step, and pasi: to jump, to walk over, to go beyond.

Ra: bad, evil = ra: bad; ras: mystery, secret = ras : cleaned, removed, vanished; Rahma-na: the kind one = Rahman: mythical population that had lived in the northern part of Moldova and migrated to the end of the world –  gentle, wise; raiion: friend, wish = raina: pan, low pot with two handles; rat = running Rat: Romanian last name; raton: willpower, power = ratoi : to scold, to make much ado about something; remes: proof = Remes: Romanian last name;

Saghi naor: blind people, nickname for the old Cabala sages = saghi: stinky odor+ naor: cloud; sahar: pay, reward, rent = saharea: food supplies that the Romanian Provinces were bound to put at the Ottoman army’s disposal, share; sarita: to fight = sarita: to lead to despair, to get angry; spor: computation = spor: increase, multiplication; sukka: shelter = suca: manner, habit, restlessness; sabat: rest = sabad: tiredness, hog-backed, to lie down in Emegir; sha’ar: city gate, place of trial = sar: straight guiding line, boundary; sedim: evil spirits that show up when a man dies = sedem: to sit, to rest; sema: to remember, to take into account = seama: to remember, to judge, to take into account; sigaion: foolisness, mistake = sicanier: bothersome, to bother; sira: poem, song = si-ra: poem, song in Emegir; sor: bull = sor: sun; sur: one after another = sur: to flow, to murmur; sana: to repeat = sana: to heal.

Thinna: doctrine of the Zealots, zeal, belief = tina = earth, soil, mud and “tana” is fog, mist, nebula; teniuta: hidden = tinuta: preserved, kept, hidden; teku: unclear, unsolved = ticui: to pick at, to peck, to push; tik: closed box = tic: little chest, wooden box; tikun: the world shape and form, organization = tukun: if, in case of, in Emegir; tohu: bad, destructive = tohu: chaos; tom: perfection = tomu: shining cross, cardinal points in Emegir.

Valah: everlasting = Valach: Romanian.

Zel: shadow left by something = zel: to scrape, scratch, to grow, to carve, to chisel in Emegir.

  Out of curiosity I have studied about 400 words in the old Ivrit language, among which I found 82 words from Rumunian, 18 words from Emegi, and four from Persian. 






1. Mioritic (reffering to the ancient popular ballad Mioriţa) = a philosophical and religious concept of the Rumunians/today Romanians which stated that the conscious human being, found in perfect balance with the whole Creation, knowing his faith due to some apparently unpredictable and unexplainable events, doesn’t attempt to modify it, but accepts and understands an order, superior to the earthly life, considering the human existence a fulfillment of a divine plan, and death as a passage, a liberation from the physical life on the way to a never ending existence.

2. The term eme-gir is a recent invention, because the language of the Emesh (Emeş or Sang-Gi people) was known until the 80’s as Eme-Gi. Through a series of well arranged revelations, the compound words reffering to the Emesh/Emeş (also written as Sang-Gi) and its language (Eme-Gi) were “translated” as conveniently as it could be, in order to serve the cause. Consequently the interested ones “interpreted” in an unilateral way the term sang-gi as “the black headed ones”, meaning the ones with the black hair - as the high quality Semites had, the purpose of this forgery being to “prove” to the whole world the Emesh (renamed Sumerians) were all of a sudden just fancy Semites, namely exactly the ancestors of the “Hebrews”. This manoeuvre was done despite the fact “gi” has many meanings, like: black, mean, dark, gloomy, but also: civilizing, select, noble; reliable, firm; justice; whistle/shepherd’s flute; wreath/garland (depending on the combinations and situations they were used in communication). Similarly “sang” can have the sense of person, individual, fellow; head, but many others too: people; psychic/mind, intellect; scattered/dispersed, spread; fame, renown; eminent, first, beginning; to baptize, to have one’s origin; to lead/guide; foreign. Following the same simplistic way of translation it would have meant their language (eme = language, speech, to speak + gi) had to be black, dark, sullen or morose. Therefore the menials have changed –gi with –gir, which means bright, brilliant/shiny, fulfilled, though it can have other meanings, like: foreigner, sword/knife, road, way/path, expedition or even cross. And so, through this second artifice also their language (of the Mosaics) would be accordingly the first of the world and the most beautiful along the (falsified) history. In fact the meaning of the term eme-gi is the noble/chosen language and the correct translation of sang-gi in this context (because “sang” may have other senses too: to end, to finish, to conclude; secret, carefully guarded) is the chosen people/the ones blessed by the Holy One, as they used to consider themselves being descendants from heavenly spirits (this until other small, earthly but sprightly and with curly black hair spooks came to distort their identity and language).

3. Solomónars are literates of the authentic ancestral cultural and religious traditions, scholars with paranormal skills; these kept an eye on the way the “Zamolxian religion”– as the Greeks named it – but, in fact, Lamb Christianization – following the Rumunian traditions – was respected, but also on the social common laws the Romanians followed till the XVI-th century; their name being taken from their leather apron called solomón.