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26 Nov 2002 ... Polish it is Wieceslaw, where Waclaw is a diminutive form). Venzel from the Latin rendition of Vyacheslav - Venceslaus. In Czech ...

Lista imion dla chłopca | Porady Położnej

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29 Gru 2008 ... Wacław - imię bardzo popularne w Czechach (dawna polska odmiana toWięcesław) było nadawane przyszły królom z życzeniem “więcej sławy”. ... - En cache - Pages similaires

Венцеслав — Уикипедия

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български: Венцеслав; руски: Вячеслав; полски: Виенчеслав (Więcesław), Вацлав (Wacław); чешки: Вацлав (Václav); френски: Венсеслас (Venceslas) ...Венцеслав - En cache - Pages similaires

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Plus de 100 messages - 91 auteurs - Dernier message : 26 janv.

Дохристиянські імена - це ті, що наведені на початку теми та повторюються в усіх слов'янських мовах (В'ячеслав - Вячеслав - Wieceslaw ... - Ukraine - En cache

3.                 Recenzje książki ''SMS''

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... Wielisław Wielisława Wieńczysław Wierzchosław Wierzchosława Więcemił Więcemiła Więcemir Więcerad Więcesław Więcesława Wiesław Wiesława Wiktor Wiktoriusz ... - En cache

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WACŁAW. Imiona

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Czysto polska odmiana tego imienia to "Więcesław", a w skrócie "Więcław". Poprzez to imię życzono przyszłym królom i wojownikom "więcej sławy". ...,380.html - En cache - Pages similaires

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1.                 Znaczenie imion* - Sława Kornacka - Skarbek - Blog

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Wiesław to skrót od jakiegoś dłuższego słowiańskiego imienia, które brzmiało zapewneWięcesław ("więcej sławy") lub Wielisław ("nakazujący sławę"). ...,2,ID349906265,n - En cache

2.                 SZKOPYRTANI

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Obecna forma w języku polskim jest czechizmem – po staropolsku brzmiałoby onoWięcesław. Forma czeska wtórnie rozpowszechniła się w Polsce w wyniku ... - En cache

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La signification de quelques patronymes polonais

Format de fichier: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Afficher
Wieceslaw », soit Venceslas . De wiecej = plus et slawa = gloire. Le suffixe -ak peut ici se traduire "fils de". Nom courant porté aux 4 coins de la Pologne ... - Pages similaires

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Czech: from a pet form of the personal name Václav, Old Czech Vęceslav (cognate with PolishWięcesław, Latinized as Wenceslas). ... - En cache

Les Forums de Pologne :: Généalogie :: nom polonais courant

11 messages - 7 auteurs - Dernier message : 10 mai 2005

Le nom s'est formé à partir du nom slave ancien à double radical "Waclaw" (jadis en Pologne "Wieceslaw") . De l'adverbe wiecej "plus de . ...,5743 - En cache

Imiona męskie na litere W

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Inni podają, że może ono też pochodzić od imienia Więcesław, Więsław (przez błędne odczytanie wyszło Wiesław). WIJSŁAW. Pochodzenia starosłowiańskiego. ... - En cache


Aller à :Navigation,rechercher

Page d'aide sur l'homonymiealt="Page d'aide sur l'homonymie" v:shapes="_x0000_i1025"> Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.

Venceslas est un nom propre.



·                     1 Prénom ou patronyme

o                                        1.1 Variantes linguistiques

o                                        1.2 Popularité du nom

·                     2 Saint

·                     3 Autres souverains

·                     4 Personnage de fiction et œuvre d'art

Prénom ou patronyme [modifier]

Venceslas est un prénom masculin d'origine slave.

Venceslas est aussi un patronyme.

Variantes linguistiques [modifier]

§                     français : Venceslas, Wenceslas

§                     tchèque : Václav

§                     allemand : Wen(t)zel

§                     anglais : Wenceslaus

§                     espagnol : Wenceslao

§                     hongrois : Vencel

§                     néerlandais : Wen(t)zel

§                     polonais : Wacław, Więcesław

§                     russe : Вячеслав

§                     slovaque : Václav

§                     suédois : Wenzel

Popularité du nom [modifier]

Le nom s'est répandu en hommage à saint Venceslas (mort en 935), duc de Bohême et martyr.

Saint [modifier]

§                     Venceslas Ier de Bohême, duc de Bohême, dit Venceslas le Saint (907-935) ; fêté le 28 septembre.

Autres souverains [modifier]

§                     Venceslas II de Bohême, duc de Bohême

§                     Venceslas Ier de Bohême, roi de Bohême

§                     Venceslas II de Bohême, roi de Bohême et de Pologne (Venceslas Ier de Pologne)

§                     Venceslas III de Bohême, roi de Bohême, de Pologne (Venceslas II de Pologne) et de Hongrie (Venceslas Ier de Hongrie)

§                     Venceslas IV de Bohême, roi de Bohême, empereur germanique (Venceslas Ier du Saint-Empire) et duc de Luxembourg (Venceslas II de Luxembourg), dit Venceslas l'Ivrogne

§                     Venceslas de Saxe (1370-1388) électeur de Saxe.

§                     Venceslas Ier de Luxembourg, duc de Luxembourg.

Personnage de fiction et œuvre d'art [modifier]

§                     Venceslas est le titre d'une tragédie de Jean de Rotrou.

§                     Venceslas est le nom du roi dans la pièce Ubu Roi d'Alfred Jarry.

Wapediaalt=Wapedia v:shapes="_x0000_i1026">

valt=v v:shapes="_x0000_i1027">

Wiki: Więcesław

Więcesław, Więcsław, Więcław, Więsław - staropolskie imię męskie, złożone z członów Więce- ("więcej") i -sław("sława"). Znaczenie imienia: "ten, który ma więcej sławy". Do końca XV wieku imię to zanotowano u około 1500 osób w formie Więcesław i 300 osób w formie Więc(s)ław, a więc popularność Więcesława w średniowieczu była większa od popularności imienia Stanisław[1].

Pod wpływem języka czeskiego przyjęła się jego forma Wacław. Ruskim odpowiednikiem tego imienia jest Wiaczesław. Z kolei imię Wieńczysław mogło powstać w wyniku specyficznego odczytania imienia Więcesław. Żeńskim odpowiednikiem jest Więcesława, Więcsława, Więcława.

Prasłowiańskie brzmienie: *vęťeslavъ (*vęťe "więcej" i *slava "sława)

Więcesław imieniny obchodzi 28 września.

Znane osoby noszące to imię:

1. Przypisy

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Tytuł: WIĘCESŁAW. Pochodzenia starosłowiańskiego. Oznacza:: sławniejszy niż inni, cieszący się większą sławą. ZDROBNIENIA: Wiecek. INNE FORMY: Więcław. ...,30,250,8.html

2.                 Podacie mi wszystkie imiona jakie znacie na litere W? Zap

Polish Names of Slavonic Origin

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Wenceslaw Wienczyslaw Wieceslaw, Waclaw, 'ventie' more/greater + glory. Wielislaw, Wieslaw Wiesiek Wiesiulek, 'vele' great + glory ... - En cache

1.                 Václav - Wiktionnaire

Signifie étymologiquement « très (ou plus) célèbre » → voir více et sláva dont on retrouve la racine, plus transparente, dans le polonais Więcesław). ...áclav - En cache

2.                 więcesław

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Więcesław imieniny obchodzi 28 września. ... Do końca XV wieku imię to zanotowano u około 1500 osób w formie Więcesław i 300 osób w formie Więc(s)ław, ...ęcesław - En cache


Uzupełniające pojęcia ze średniowiecza.

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Biographie de Venceslas III de Bohême

Voir son actualité

Venceslas III de Bohême

Venceslas III de Bohême (en tchèqueVáclav III., en polonais Wacław III Czeski, en hongrois III. Vencel, en allemand Wenzel III.) est né le 6 octobre 1289 et décédé le 4 août 1306. Il est le fils du roi Venceslas II de Bohême et de Judith de Habsbourg, la fille de l’empereur Rodolphe Ier.

Il est roi de Hongrie (1301-1305), roi de Bohême (1305-1306) et roi de Pologne (1305-1306).

En 1298, il devient le fiancé de la fille du roi de Hongrie André III. Après la mort du dernier représentant de la lignée des Arpad, soutenu par son père et par la plus grande partie des magnats hongrois, il est couronné roi de Hongrie le 27 août 1301, à Székesfehérvár, sous le nom de Ladislas V (en hongrois V. László). Très vite, il doit faire face à une virulente opposition de Charles Robert et de ses partisans. Malgré l’aide militaire apportée par son père, il doit quitter Buda pour la Bohême en 1304, chargeant un gouverneur de le représenter en Hongrie. N’ayant plus aucune autorité dans le pays, il abdique le 6 décembre 1305 au profit d’Otton III de Bavière.

Lorsque son père décède le 21 juin 1305, il hérite des trônes de Bohême et de Pologne. Impopulaire en Bohême, il doit aussi affronter une forte opposition en Pologne, menée par Ladislas Ier le Bref et Henri III de Głogów. De plus, il ne reçoit aucun appui du pape Boniface VIII. Ladislas le Bref, avec l’aide des Hongrois, prend le contrôle de la Petite Pologne tandis qu’Henri de Głogów s’empare de la Grande-Pologne. Le 8 août 1305, en échange de la région de Meissen, Venceslas III cède la Poméranie de Gdańsk aux margraves du Brandebourg, pour s’assurer de leur soutien.

En route vers la Pologne pour revendiquer la couronne, à la tête d’une armée, il est assassiné à Olomouc le 4 août 1306. Avec sa disparition s’éteint aussi la dynastie des Přemyslides.

Venceslas III était marié à Viola, la fille de Mieszko de Cieszyn.

Suite à la disparition de la dynastie tchèque, Albert Ier de Habsbourg proclame que le royaume de Bohême n’est qu’un fief du Saint-Empire, ce qui déclenche une guerre de 5 ans entre les Habsbourg et Henri de Carinthie. En Pologne, profitant de la situation confuse, Ladislas Ier le Bref s’empare de Cracovie et accède au pouvoir, faisant plier les patriciens de Cracovie et l’évêque Jan Muskata.

Deutsch Wikipedia

Josef Wenzel Graf Radetzky von Radetz

Josef Graf Radetzky

Johann Joseph Wenzel Anton Franz Karl Graf Radetzky von Radetz (tschechisch Jan Josef Václav hrabě Radecký z Radče; * 2. November 1766 in Schloss Trzebnitz bei Seltschan, Böhmen; † 5. Januar 1858 in Mailand) war ein Feldmarschall, böhmischer Adeliger und der wohl bedeutendste Heerführer Österreichs in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts.


Nachdem Radetzky mit sechs Jahren Vollwaise geworden war, kam er zu seinem Großvater nach Prag, wo dieser ihn bei den Piaristen einschulte. Im weiteren Verlauf seiner Kindheit und Jugend besuchte er die Ritterakademie in Brünn und das Theresianum in Wien. Nach Ablegen seiner Matura nahm er ein Studium derRechtswissenschaften auf. Aufgrund mangelnder körperlicher Eignung blieb ihm die angestrebte militärische Karriere zunächst verwehrt.

Radetzky trat 1784 als Kadett in das 2. Kürassierregiment ein und beteiligte sich 1788/89 unter den Kommandeuren Lacy und Laudon am Türkenkrieg. Von 1792 bis 1795 war er auf Feldzügen in den Niederlandenund am Rhein. Anschließend wurde Radetzky zum Rittmeister befördert und zum Adjutant des FeldzeugmeistersBeaulieu ernannt. Bei Voltri konnte er sich ebenfalls auszeichnen, wurde Major und 1799 zum Oberst befördert. In der Schlacht von Hohenlinden (1800) kämpfte er ebenfalls mit Auszeichnung.

Zu Beginn des Feldzugs von 1805 wurde Radetzky als Generalmajor nach Italien versetzt. Für seine Leistungen in diesem Feldzug als Befehlshaber des 3. Kürassierregiments errang er das Ritterkreuz des Militär-Maria-Theresien-Ordens. 1809 kämpfte er im 5. Armeekorps als Befehlshaber der Vorhut bei Braunau ebenfalls mit Auszeichnung und stieg nach der Schlacht bei Aspern zum Feldmarschallleutnant auf. In dieser Funktion war er auch Teilnehmer an der Schlacht bei Wagram. In diesem Jahr wurde Radetzky zum Generalstabschef ernannt, sah sich jedoch aufgrund der französischen Vorgaben und mangels finanzieller Ressourcen dazu genötigt, seine ehrgeizigen Reformvorhaben des österreichischen Heeres aufzugeben.

1813 entwickelte er als Chef des Quartiermeisteramts den Plan zur Völkerschlacht bei Leipzig. Er organisierte in der Folgezeit das österreichische Heer neu und diente im Stab des Fürsten Schwarzenberg. Nach dem Friedensschluss kam Radetzky als Divisionär nach Ödenburg, später nach Ofen (Budapest) und 1821 als General der Kavallerie und Festungskommandant nach Olmütz.

Marktleben vor dem Radetzky-Denkmal Am Hof in Wien(Aquarell von Carl Wenzel Zajicek (1860-1923), um 1890)

Von 1818 bis 1828 beriet er Erzherzog Ferdinand Karl von Österreich-Este, von 1831 bis 1857 war er Generalkommandant der österreichischen Armee im lombardo-venezianischen Königreich (seit 1836 im Range eines Feldmarschalls).

Radetzky wurde vor allem durch seine Siege 1848/1849 gegen Piemont-Sardinien und die von diesem Königreich unterstützten nationalitalienischen Aufständischen (siehe Risorgimento) berühmt, die am 18. März 1848 losbrachen (Schlachten: Schlacht bei Santa Lucia bei Verona am 6. Mai 1848, Schlacht von Vicenza am 10. Juni 1848, Schlacht bei Custozza am 25. Juli 1848, Schlacht bei Mortara am 21. März 1849 und Schlacht bei Novaraam 23. März 1849).

Erst am 28. Februar 1857, im Alter von 90 Jahren, war er in den Ruhestand versetzt worden. Mit 72 Dienstjahren in der k.k. Armee brach er viele Soldatenrekorde, z. B. diente er unter fünf Kaisern und machte nicht weniger als 17 Feldzüge mit. Insgesamt erhielt Josef Wenzel Anton Franz Karl Graf Radetzky von Radetz 146 in- und ausländische Orden, darunter das Ritterkreuz des Militär-Maria-Theresien-Ordens (1799 für sein Verhalten in der Schlacht von Novi), das Großkreuz des Militär-Maria-Theresien-Ordens (für seinen Sieg bei der Schlacht bei Custozza 1848) und den Orden vom Goldenen Vlies (für seinen Sieg bei der Schlacht bei Novara).

Er wurde von vielen national-monarchistisch gesinnten Österreichern sehr verehrt. Franz Grillparzer verfasste ihm zu Ehren das Gedicht „In deinem Lager ist Österreich“, und Johann Strauß d. Ä. komponierte 1848 den „Radetzkymarsch“.

Radetzkys Grab am Heldenberg

Josef Wenzel Graf Radetzky von Radetz starb am 5. Januar 1858 nach einem Unfall in Mailand. Am 19. Januar 1858 wurde er am Heldenberg in Niederösterreich beigesetzt. Eigentlich hätte er auf Wunsch des Kaisers in derKapuzinergruft beigesetzt werden sollen, aber Radetzky vermachte seine irdischen Überreste, das Recht, ihn zu begraben, Joseph Gottfried Pargfrieder, welcher Jahrzehnte hindurch seine Schulden beglichen hatte. Dieser baute ein mit Kriegerstatuen übersätes Freilicht-Pantheon, die Gedenkstätte Heldenberg. Radetzky liegt unter einem monumentalen Obelisken begraben.

Aufgrund seiner Freigiebigkeit, seiner großen Familie und der Verschwendungssucht seiner Ehefrau, der Gräfin Strassoldo, befand sich Radetzky Zeit seines Lebens in finanzieller Bedrängnis.

The first wife of Vaclav IV. was Johanna Wittelsbach. They were married when they were 9. Is said she was a kind women and they had quite happy marriage. There have been more versions about her death. The first version is that when he got up, one of the dogs in the room bitted to death her. The second version is that any dog bited her and then she had a cynolyssa. The third version said she died of hunger. And the last and the newest version said she died of a plague. 

The second wife of king Vaclav IV. was Sophie Wittelsbach. She was beautiful and she was quite young (13), when Vaclav IV. married her. Sophie was an admirer of Jan/John Hus. She had an economy talent, because she was good in things about her property. Chronicles said they had quite happy marriage. There is a legend that after Vaclav IV. death she had an affair with Vaclav´s brother and next king Zikmund. She died in 1425 in Bratislava.


your picture is very nice, it is from 19th century, isnt it?
Picture of Elisabeth of Bohemia is from Zbraslavska kronika - Chronicon Aulae Regiae – „Zbraslavska chronicle“ from 14th century – very important source about history of Bohemia in first half of 14th century. There are more pictures of Queens of Bohemia there – Guta Habsburg too.
here is the bad copy of it:

Two pages with Kings and Queens of Bohemia from these chronicle you could find on web pages:

Johanna and Sophie didn´t have children, because Vaclav was probably infecund. I have never seen any picture of Johanna of Sophie.

I am not a medievalist , so I am affraid I will not know more about Wenzel than you.
I think that Wenzel was born to a very complicated period of political and religious changes, but he was not interested to take a part in solving these difficulties. I also think that his father, emperor Charles, was so happy he had son (he was 45 and three times married when his first son Wenzel was born!), that he from the beginning overstrained him. Wenzel had to participate in councils and political negotiations from age of 5. And the effect? He hate it - he prefered drinking and hunting, arts and astrology or simply doing nothing. And the end of his reign was sad  - as emperor he was deposed, as czech king several times imprisoned…
Another Wenzel




Re: Queens of Bohemia


Does anyone know anything about the two wives of Václav IV (1378 - 1419) ? I have heard that he was not a very good husband (and very different to his father, Karl/Karel IV) and that his first wife was bitten to death by vicious hunting dogs that he kept, but perhaps this is only a legend. Does anyone have more detailed information?





Reply #61

« on: January 19, 2008, 06:25:47 AM »


Veronika Offline 


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Re: Queens of Bohemia


The first wife of Vaclav IV. was Johanna Wittelsbach. They were married when they were 9. Is said she was a kind women and they had quite happy marriage. There have been more versions about her death. The first version is that when he got up, one of the dogs in the room bitted to death her. The second version is that any dog bited her and then she had a cynolyssa. The third version said she died of hunger. And the last and the newest version said she died of a plague. 

The second wife of king Vaclav IV. was Sophie Wittelsbach. She was beautiful and she was quite young (13), when Vaclav IV. married her. Sophie was an admirer of Jan/John Hus. She had an economy talent, because she was good in things about her property. Chronicles said they had quite happy marriage. There is a legend that after Vaclav IV. death she had an affair with Vaclav´s brother and next king Zikmund. She died in 1425 in Bratislava.

Johanna and Sophie didn´t have children, because Vaclav was probably infecund. I have never seen any picture of Johanna of Sophie.





Reply #62

« on: January 19, 2008, 06:44:26 AM »


britt.25 Offline 
Velikye Knyaz


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Re: Queens of Bohemia


Quote from: beladona on January 18, 2008, 06:08:13 AM

Hi Britt, 
your picture is very nice, it is from 19th century, isnt it?
Picture of Elisabeth of Bohemia is from Zbraslavska kronika - Chronicon Aulae Regiae – „Zbraslavska chronicle“ from 14th century – very important source about history of Bohemia in first half of 14th century. There are more pictures of Queens of Bohemia there – Guta Habsburg too.
here is the bad copy of it:

Two pages with Kings and Queens of Bohemia from these chronicle you could find on web pages:

That is a fascinating page! Thank you for posting that link and picture. Did you also find a picture of Guta von Habsburg there? I did not, but you said in your last post she is also to find there. 
I only know the one from the Primisser tree, wich was let made my emperor Maximilian I. (Many of the pictures are much idealized, but wonderful. The site of the austrian national library has all of them.)




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Reply #63

« on: January 19, 2008, 07:52:26 AM »


britt.25 Offline 
Velikye Knyaz


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Re: Queens of Bohemia


Quote from: Veronika on January 19, 2008, 06:25:47 AM

The first wife of Vaclav IV. was Johanna Wittelsbach. They were married when they were 9. Is said she was a kind women and they had quite happy marriage. There have been more versions about her death. The first version is that when he got up, one of the dogs in the room bitted to death her. The second version is that any dog bited her and then she had a cynolyssa. The third version said she died of hunger. And the last and the newest version said she died of a plague. 

The second wife of king Vaclav IV. was Sophie Wittelsbach. She was beautiful and she was quite young (13), when Vaclav IV. married her. Sophie was an admirer of Jan/John Hus. She had an economy talent, because she was good in things about her property. Chronicles said they had quite happy marriage. There is a legend that after Vaclav IV. death she had an affair with Vaclav´s brother and next king Zikmund. She died in 1425 in Bratislava.

Johanna and Sophie didn´t have children, because Vaclav was probably infecund. I have never seen any picture of Johanna of Sophie.

Very interesting information! It's strange about the death of the first wife of Vaclav or Wenzel.
I have read that Wenzel was indeed a strange person, even considered as somebody like a second "Nero". He must have been very sardistic, and therefore it could be true that his wife was starved or hunted to death. Many kings in the middle ages were alredy very cruel, but Wenzel must have been a terrifying person. In my book on the emperors of the Holy Roman Empire it is written that he was paranoid, who let execute people for useless reasons, he also should have fried his own cook at a spit, only because the meal did not taste good. Shocked
He shall have thrown a vicar of bishop Johannes Nepumuk in the Moldau, because he did not want to tell him the confession secrets of his wife...
After bad political successes he shall have spent most of his time together with his hunting dogs in a locked up room and became also an alcoholic. He was not a very loved monarch, there would be many more other things to tell.
When he was told about the Hussit rebellion he died of a stroke Grin
Well, it is hard to imagine that any marriages might have been happy...I can't believe it... Sad

Here is a picture of Wenzel when praying. Here he looks so friendly, but maybe the picture does not tell the truth:

Another picture of him:

Here are both parents of Wenzel:

Here a picture of his second wife Sophie:

His first and second wife were cousins, who both were distant cousins to Wenzel as well, as they all descended from Rudolf von Habsburg. The Wittelsbach princesses from Ludwig IV. of Bavaria, whose mother was Rudolfs daughter Mathilde, and as we already know,  Wenzel descended from Guta of Habsburg, another daughter of king Rudolf I von Habsburg.

The sister of Johanna von Bavaria, was Johanna Sophie, who was married to Albrecht IV. von Habsburg:




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Reply #64

« on: January 19, 2008, 09:28:02 AM »


beladona Offline 


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Re: Queens of Bohemia


Britt, Guta is in the page 35, the women in the middle...

Here is the whole picture of Sophie and her husband (it is miniature from Bible of Wenzel IV.)

And another idealized portrait of Wenzel IV.:

I think that lot of things you wrote about Wenzel is only legends or very exagerrated, especially the one about Johannes Nepomuk and the confession secret...
Wenzel IV. was not very successful king but we should not forget that he was also supporter of culture, there is a lot of beautiful manuscripts from time of his reign, some of them with hermetical and astrological subjects.


« Last Edit: January 19, 2008, 09:31:30 AM by beladona »



Reply #65

« on: January 19, 2008, 11:02:42 AM »


Greenowl Offline 


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Re: Queens of Bohemia


Veronika, Britt 25 and Beladona, many thanks for the wonderful pictures and information about Václav (Wenzel)  IV. It is very difficult to untangle the truth from the legends that have built up around this King. It appears that the real reason for the death of Johannes Nepomuk was because he opposed the king's wish to establish a bishopric in Kladrau in south Bohemia and supported the Abbot of the Cistercian Abbey of Kladrau who wanted to continue to be the ecclesiastical authority in that area. However, it does seem as if Nepomuk was brutally tortured and burnt (it is claimed by the king himself) before being thrown into the Moldau/Vltava. However, when the decision was made to transfer his body from its initial resting place to St. Veit's Cathedral (where his grave can still be seen today), Václav (Wenzel)  IV made no objection, although he could probably have prevented the reburial. Johannes Nepomuk was made a saint in 1729, thus I wonder were some of the legends "invented" at that time?

Talking of legends, does anyone know of the legend of Semik and Lord Horymir which is set in Vysehrad?





Reply #66

« on: January 19, 2008, 11:56:38 AM »


britt.25 Offline 
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Re: Queens of Bohemia


Quote from: beladona on January 19, 2008, 09:28:02 AM

Britt, Guta is in the page 35, the women in the middle...

Here is the whole picture of Sophie and her husband (it is miniature from Bible of Wenzel IV.)

And another idealized portrait of Wenzel IV.:

I think that lot of things you wrote about Wenzel is only legends or very exagerrated, especially the one about Johannes Nepomuk and the confession secret...
Wenzel IV. was not very successful king but we should not forget that he was also supporter of culture, there is a lot of beautiful manuscripts from time of his reign, some of them with hermetical and astrological subjects.

Sorry, if you think that the things are not true.
I cannot prove the contrary, I must confess. I only left here the things I found in my books, especially of one of all Holy Roman emperors. It's hard to decide what's legend and what's not. I am also not too well known concerning Wenzel, maybe you know much more...But generally it seems that he had many problems in the reign and was not very loved, and was (it was said already from people of that time) remembered as a cruel person. But there is much more backgound, which should be told here....even when I don't think that those impressions about his behaviour come from nothing  it can be that some things are exaggerated and were not transferred correctly through sources. Please note that I always used the conjunctive, like "it is said that she shall have been...made etc. 
Thanks for the whole picture of Wenzel and wife!